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Police vs social services

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Stop projecting purdyamos - you've no more idea about the reasons for this lad running off than anyone else. And I object to youre use of the term 'so called professional' - I did a bloody hard job for a long time and there are plenty of people who know me a damn site better than you do who can attest to the fact that most of the time, with most of the people, I did it very well.

For someone who seems to make a habit of making judgements about me you seem perfectly content to condemn others, about whom you know next to nothing.


Edit: Punctuation



I'm not projecting - I don't know the actual situation to judge, but then neither do you but you were happy to rush to judge. I was just pointing out that in the MAJORITY of cases, parents are not the victims of children, it's usually vice-versa. And for you to automatically assume the parents are the victims is disturbing considering your former job, which is why I'm entitled to use the phrase 'so called'.


As for me being in the 'habit' of making judgements about you, isn't this a place to freely disagree with other forum users? I disagree with a great deal of what you say, am I not permitted to say so? You are one of the most habitual judgers of people on the forum. It's time you had a look at your habit of double standards.


I'm sorry Lorraine, for this spat disrupting your thread. I only meant to express an opinion, but some people think they are beyond critisism. Apologies.

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I am gobsmacked at how social services have reacted. When the police report a situation to SS they simply fill in a form and fax it through to them to deal with (there's not much else they can do - children become the responsibility of ss - not the police).

SS should be dealing with this child as a priority, but because he's got a roof over his head (thanks to your generosity) they obviously don't see him as an urgent case.

Unfortunately you may have to gently "threaten" ss by explaning that you cannot financially cope with the situation, and it is NOT your responsibility to ask his parents for any money.

I'm also apalled at the schools reaction!

Really feel for you hun - seems like you were trying to do the right thing at the time and as a consequence are being penalised for your good nature.

Hope it all works out.

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Just had another call from social services they have agreed to send someone out on monday to talk to him and try and persuade him to go back home to mum, (who still doesn't want him :( ) so really can't do much until monday now :(


whats the point if she won't have him??????? surely it's not his decision to make?

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another thing that amazes me is the police or social services don't seem to have run any sort of checks on me or my family before leaving him here, I have only lived in the area a few months so they couldn't be sure of my history, and they agreed to leave him with me before they even asked for my date of birth. I could have been anyone.

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another thing that amazes me is the police or social services don't seem to have run any sort of checks on me or my family before leaving him here, I have only lived in the area a few months so they couldn't be sure of my history, and they agreed to leave him with me before they even asked for my date of birth. I could have been anyone.


It's quite disgusting (although I'm sure you're very law abiding).

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I'm not projecting - I don't know the actual situation to judge, but then neither do you but you were happy to rush to judge. I was just pointing out that in the MAJORITY of cases, parents are not the victims of children, it's usually vice-versa. And for you to automatically assume the parents are the victims is disturbing considering your former job, which is why I'm entitled to use the phrase 'so called'.


I didn't judge; I suggested it might be sensible to speak to the parents - commonly recognised as a good starting point if there's a dispute. Your assertion that I 'automatically assume' the parents was also incorrect and frankly, I don't know where you get that from. There's no 'so called' about my former job, purdyamos. I was a member of a profession i.e. a professional and since you know bugger all about it I'd suggest you refrain from making sweeping assumptions.

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Although I am sure you are a very kind and genuine person (as shown through the other posts in the thread), I am amazed that they did no checks on you at all before leaving the child with you! I really feel for you and the situation and can only applaud you for the courage and kindness you are showing the child in what must be a very hard time. I think Social Services seem to have handled the case so wrongly, and I also think you need to do some major complaining to whichever manager you can get hold of regarding your treatment by them.


I can't help thinking of the poor child though. What must he be feeling knowing that his parents don't want him and that Social Services are involved and his future is uncertain.

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