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Everything posted by gempud

  1. Thanks you two. I have been around on and off and still on Ravelry etc but with working shifts it just got harder and harder to get to any of the meets. I'm managing to keep most of my stash (managed to take control of one side of the wardrobe in the baby's room and I have 8 large tubs stacked in there), but a lot of the other stuff I just know I'll never get round to using so thought it'd be of better use to someone else. It's now gone up to 3 bin bags full and I think some of it might be suitable for machine knitting too. There's also a wool winder in there somewhere. Could do with it going asap as although baby isn't due until July her room is currently being renovated so nowhere to keep the stuff that needs to go!
  2. Hello all I have a couple of black bin bags full of all types of different yarn. They're in cones, balls, skeins, ranging from chunky, DK, 4 ply, laceweight and novelty. Can anyone make use of this for any charity knitting? It's all yarn that I've accumulated over the last few years for free or for very cheap so it's not brilliant stuff but serves a purpose. I'm getting rid as I have far too much, will never use it all and it needs to go to make way for our baby. Must be able to pick up from Barnsley, very near to J37 on M1 and Barnsley Hospital. Ta x
  3. I got my glass pebbles from Country Baskets. They were still quite expensive though and I needed enough to fill 7 square vases. So I bought a couple tubs of glass pebbles and mixed them with tubs of small coloured gravel (which is much much cheaper). So still got the same effect and the solid gravel actually adds a bit more interest and colour to the centrepieces and brings down the overall cost.
  4. I had a problem with Wentworth Castle Gardens with even booking the place for our wedding. They never returned numerous phone calls and emails requesting a quote, dates they had free for us to book, and a meeting with the wedding co-ordinator. Needless to say we booked elsewhere. They then had the cheek to send me an email a month later asking if they could be of any help with our wedding. So I sent them a big rant back saying they could have been of help had they bothered to reply to any of my attempts to contact them, so lost my custom as I dreaded to think what they would have been like after they had got my money if they were that bad in even trying to secure my custom in the first place. So from my experience, they're rubbish at communication and don't really seem to be too bothered in your wedding day. They should have told you about the grotto, and if they say you have use of the facilities all day then it should mean all day. Otherwise it's false advertising and you'll be paying for something you'll not be getting. Hope you get it sorted!
  5. Hi Mine was just over 3k for both eyes but I was really, really short sighted. That was nearly 2 years ago, the op took about 10 minutes and I had a ton of aftercare appointments. After 6 months I noticed my right eye seemed to be slightly blurry and I went back to be told it had a very small prescription in it but my vision with both eyes together still is 20/20. They offered me a contact lens to use in that eye but it was more trouble than it's worth so I've left it as it is. If the right eye gets worse I can have it corrected with surgery again for free within 4 years. I found the surgery itself to be a bit stomach churning, and I had much more pain than I expected on the first night but I just took some sleeping tablets and knocked myself out til morning by which time it didn't hurt at all anymore. Just had to wear dark glasses for 2 days then I was back at work, with bright red eyes though which made me look demonic It is well worth having it done though...I don't regret it one little bit!
  6. I think the hood in the pictures looks like it is folded over....a lot....and it could be hiding the too pointed bit. So maybe it is just how the pattern is?
  7. Haha - as if Wheezy! Ta Mrs Radish - I've emailed them
  8. Anyone know of any organisation/company that collects vintage knitting and crochet patterns? I recall reading something a few years ago (in Simply Knitting I think) about someone that was collecting vintage patterns and creating a library of them but I can't remember who it was. I'm only asking because a friend has given me a load of old knitting and crochet stuff she found in her Grandma's loft, most of which is no use to anyone. But there are a number of vintage patterns. The earliest one I can find dates as 1951, but I'm pretty sure there are some that are older, just can't find a date on them. I don't want them - vintage knitting is not my style - plus they stink! I can't bear to throw them away just in case some are rare. I've done a quick google and can find places that sell vintage patterns but not ones that collect them.
  9. Would love to come but I'm at work. I'm sooo unlucky with the dates of these meets as they're always when I'm on shift. Have fun!
  10. I had mine done at Optical Express at Meadowhall in Feb 2009. It cost me just over £3000, but I did have a very strong prescription. As of October one of my eyes started deteriorating again (it always was a worse prescription than the other though) and now has a slight prescription. The aftercare is very good - I have been going back on a monthly basis so they can observe the changes in my prescription, have ordered me temporary contact lenses to correct my sight whilst they are still observing it, with the idea being that when the prescription settles again I'll have a 2nd operation to bring it back up to par. Apparently it's all free and included in the initial price I have already paid. I was aware from the outset that this could happen though, so they certainly make sure you are well informed. As soon as it had been done and I sat up on the operating table my vision was immediately better, but a bit milky and blurry. The first night was so unbelievably painful, so I knocked myself out with painkillers and took a sleeping tablet (after contacting NHS Direct to make sure I wasn't going to end up overdosing!) But after that first night I had no more pain, just got to wear big dark glasses for 2 days and then I was back to work, right as rain. Although as someone else said, expect halo's around lights at night. It does make for a horrendous driving experience until it settles down. Even with the little problems I have had, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. It's so nice not having to think about wearing glasses or contacts. For weeks after I couldn't get used to the fact that I could actually see properly when having a shower or going swimming.
  11. Nope there will be no wool buying, not 2 days before payday anyway. OH has kindly said he will drop me off and pick me up (on account of me being a wuss and not wanting to tackle driving into Sheffield in the dark.) And of course, it's an actual day off work too. Must be fate.
  12. I am going to crawl out of my hole and grace you with my presence. But only if everyone promises to keep Wheezy away from me
  13. Ooooooh can I come!? It'll be about a year I reckon since I last came to one.
  14. Mine is similar to Wheezy's and I think it possibly came from knitbird who said it doesn't matter how you knit (I knit weirdly) as long as it works for you and it the end product is as it's meant to be.
  15. I am working nights on that weekend and as much as I would love to go without slee for yarn, I don't think my body could cope with it!
  16. Sorry I didnt stay longer but the hangover was hurting and the cinema was calling! It was nice to see everyone for a brief moment - but even nicer to raid the garage!
  17. Me but I'll probably just turn up for an hour or so in the afternoon cos I'll be heavily hung over. Save me some of that yarn you had the other day!
  18. Oh hell no, as if I'd waste time selling my yarn whilst there's your garage of yarn to explore. I'm all about filling my stash with stuff from your garage...I suppose it's my duty to make it easier for you to move house by reducing your stash. Isn't it? ...Isn't it? ...Hmmm?
  19. Hey, I wanna get in on the selling wool lark if everyone else is! I'll be there at 10:59
  20. I really have to drag myself to one of these meetings....someone make me go!
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