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Egg Box building (Town Hall extention)- Was it so awful?

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Originally posted by lucasdigital

Well its three years or so since the "new" Town Hall extension was demolished. I always thought it was an interesting looking building, not the eye-sore that many claimed to to be.


I'm glad to see the back of it. I guess it was kind of an interesting design,but it was still very fugly,it just looked to much out of place for people to except it. When you compare it to the original town hall it looked kinda stupid. Once all the building work down there is done with i think the area will look a lot better.

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I worked in the 'egg box for many years. It didn't look that big from the outside but was huge inside, I think that was part of the design. I thought it looked a lot better when the new Peace Gardens had been build, it seemed to blend in nicely.

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I am sure that the design was innovative, when the designer first put pen to paper, and put it forward etc,


However, it did look like a spaceship that had set down in the peace gardens, didn't it? let's be honest....


The design was also a bit "non-environmental", and wasteful, if truth be known.


The egg-box windows, placed as they were on the "sticky-out bits", meant that very little natural light could get into the building, so the hordes of lights had to be kept on all day in order for it to be light enough to enable the staff to work. there was little natural air movement, so it was stuffy and airless.


I remember everything being designed around sort of hexagonal "pods", internally.


I have mixed feelings about the building; I thought it was ugly, and that it could have been designed with better access (eg the frontage could have been "dropped" by about four feet -or however high the flight of steps was to the frontage) but I also miss seeing it there on the edge of the peace gardens, because it was there for so many years. It was a part of the city centre.



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I was fortunate to have a guided tour of the town hall in the 80's whilst at junior school, remember going across the walk way from the old building into the egg box and was totally amazed by the roof top garden complete with lawned turf.

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Sure, the egg-box looked exciting from the outside...but did anyone who mourns its passing ever go inside


I've never been to prison, but if I did, I imagine it wouldn't look any different to that place.


The inside was dark and gloomy; the toilets were absolutely filthy.


I love Sheffield history as much as the next person, but I'm glad to see the back of the old thing.

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I was in there a few times for meetings when I worked for the Council, but I was never based there. I never liked being in it, it was dingy, poorly lit, and the shape of the rooms didn't seem to lend themselves to easy working space.

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Originally posted by sanman

Abdul I worked in the egg box for many years, and don't recognise your description of the inside.


I hope that's because you've erased the memory from your mind ;)


Seriously though, when I had to pay my council tax in there the ground floor was dark and gloomy.


And as for the public access toliets...they were in such a state of disrepair, I'm amazed they worked. I'd like to see environmental health take a look in their own back yard :D

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