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The New Smoking Laws - when?

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that's not strictly true is it. Smokers make a net contribution to taxation, £6billion contributed, £2billion in treating them.

Cut that out and you have a £4billion whole in the budget.


I smoke and think more people should, its the only way to fund the NHS properly.

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Yeah, because I was totally serious, wasn't I.... :hihi:


In all seriousness, at the end of the day smoking is seriously damaging to health (it even says so in massive lettering on the packet so you're not under any false idea), and should never be forced upon those people who don't want to partake in breathing in the fumes and exposing themselves to that risk (not to mention the stench).


Cars and other causes of pollution are a separate topic/discussion, if you want to have that one - but the above fact deems it necessary - argueably vital - that smoking in places the public have access to should be banned. End of discussion as far as I (and common sense) am concerned.


EDIT - and my point still stands even with Cyclone's comment about tax. (TBH it's a small amount in a government's annual budget anyway, and it changes nothing about the health argument in any way.)

I repeat that any sanctimonious non smoker who continually harps on about the danger he faces from the odd passing whiff of a cigarette AND drives a BIG DIRTY FUEL GUZZELER is a total hypocrite. This is true whether its the same argument or not! I am fed up of subsidising such peoples tax bills!

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Just out of interest, could any of the smokers on here please answer the following question for me:


Would you like to give up or are you quite happy being a smoker?


I know it's changing the direction of the discussion slightly, but I'm genuinely interested in people's response...

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Just out of interest, could any of the smokers on here please answer the following question for me:


Would you like to give up or are you quite happy being a smoker?


I know it's changing the direction of the discussion slightly, but I'm genuinely interested in people's response...


Yes I smoke and would like to quit, but funding the NHS properly is my main purpose for not quitting and the fact that evertime I light a fag in public I am killing innocent people with my smoke fumes.

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I repeat that any sanctimonious non smoker who continually harps on about the danger he faces from the odd passing whiff of a cigarette AND drives a BIG DIRTY FUEL GUZZELER is a total hypocrite. This is true whether its the same argument or not! I am fed up of subsidising such peoples tax bills!

So your previous was aimed at me then. Read back, I don't drive dirty cars. :rolleyes:


The fact still remains, whether you think certain people are or are not hypocrites, smoking in public places should be banned. Get used to it, it's a fact. :)


BTW how exactly are you paying the motorists tax bills? ROFL petrol is as taxed as cancer sticks! Tell us another one :hihi:

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NHS costs about £300 billion a year.

According to Cyclone smokers contribute £6 billion

That's only 2%


Still a 1% budget defecit if everybody stopped tomorrow....or even if they started to buy abroad.


Might not sound much...but there'd still be the cost of treating past smokers, and from what I understand the NHS is chronically under-funded as it is, so the 2% is probably expected to cover 4% (or more) of the NHS' services...

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NHS costs about £300 billion a year.

According to Cyclone smokers contribute £6 billion

That's only 2%

He gave figures of a net contribution £2 billion, if you ignore treatments for non-smokers as s result of smokers actions. So even if we were to take Green Web seriously, it's only one third of a percent. ;)

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Like others on here 'the sooner the better' is my view too. Whenever smoking is restricted the smokers always seem to make the same arguments against it yet how many people would really want to turn the clock back and reintroduce it on buses and Meadowhall for example?

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