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Issues regarding the Roads and the Environment


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May i suggest sorting out the pothole situation? I spend a lot of my working day driving around the whole city,and my poor car simply cant cope with the abuse i subject it to! Other than weaving around the road like a drunk blind woman,there really isnt anyway of avoiding these buggering craters :hihi:


Re positives....... err......... :confused::suspect:

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Enforcement of existing schemes (eg. tram gate hillsborough corner, people turning right at a left only etc.) should be a priority IMO - lets see how the city runs if people follow the structure that is in place.

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Enforcement of existing schemes (eg. tram gate hillsborough corner, people turning right at a left only etc.) should be a priority IMO - lets see how the city runs if people follow the structure that is in place.


Enforcement of the tram gates is on the way, but they have quite a number of issues to resolve, it's a fairly complex thing. Looking like Spring next year or thereabouts.


The Council currently don't have powers to enforce moving traffic offences (like banned turns, no entries, box junctions) but the Government is looking to give them powers in the next year or two. The Government is consulting on it shortly.

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I will soon be starting with the council, as an employee, and one of my first jobs will be to look at the Road System.


It would be really useful if you could let me know of any improvements that could be made, so I could put these ideas forward.


Do you have any gripes, and if so, in what areas?


Are you happy with the current situation? are you getting value for money?


I'm looking at getting off on the right footing,


Thanks Sheffield


What job will you be doing and in which section?

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Bob, please fix all the roads in and around Crookes/Broomhill and provide lots of free parking. When you have finished that you will be more than capable of sorting out the situation in the Middle East and world hunger in general! Seriously though some pothole attention would be much-appreciated

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I will soon be starting with the council, as an employee, and one of my first jobs will be to look at the Road System.


It would be really useful if you could let me know of any improvements that could be made, so I could put these ideas forward.


Do you have any gripes, and if so, in what areas?


Are you happy with the current situation? are you getting value for money?


I'm looking at getting off on the right footing,


Thanks Sheffield

Firstly mentioned loads by others pot holes and road surfaces are terrible on most routes

second the routes that have been re surfaced are of poor quality wearing is apparent in places on some already drains / grates stuck up also the new surface is very slippy in dry and wet conditions god help us when snow and ice arrive

thirdly speed humps on some roads to near edge of kerb so it`s either hit the kerb or go into middle of road to avoid the kerb also some seem way to high

fourth Queens road needs looking into it doesnt run smoothly alot of time

Lastly Good luck with it all can`t think of possitives dob`t think there are any!

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