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Chatters Night Out in town!


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lots of us regularly meet up every other sat for a night of drunken antics. next one is this sat on west st and halloween themed :thumbsup:




i think being as you all claim to be so chatty so should be sociable and come to this :D


hazel x


The Halloween bit and "West St Sat Night" has put me off.

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The Halloween bit and "West St Sat Night" has put me off.


unfortunately halloween happens every year, may as well make most of it - good excuse to get dressed up and make fools of selves which makes for good talking points :thumbsup:


now that students are back town is often just as busy mid-week as weekends anyway. now i could be wrong here but are you a bit of a pesimist by any chance...? :P

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Of course anyone can come, just thought that due to ppl`s normal week-end commitments that midweek would be best, but mainly posted this thread to gauge interest, which it has, and to get suggestions for somewhere central, preferably where there`d be plenty of room, and not too noisy! Not an age-thing this, just easier to chat if there`s no loud music blaring!

Any suggestions for a venue? And how about Weds 8th Nov?

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Of course anyone can come, just thought that due to ppl`s normal week-end commitments that midweek would be best, but mainly posted this thread to gauge interest, which it has, and to get suggestions for somewhere central, preferably where there`d be plenty of room, and not too noisy! Not an age-thing this, just easier to chat if there`s no loud music blaring!

Any suggestions for a venue? And how about Weds 8th Nov?


Can i come ! I need to celebrate still being alive after eating those mshrooms.

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