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David Cameron admits he cannot Govern

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Won't be a great change then - it's been a while since we had anyone who could govern! When did we lose leaders and get managers instead?

You have made a point there, strangely, we at present have a leader in Tony Blair.

His replacement, be it Gordon Brown, or John Reid are competent men, but do not fire the blood in the same fashion as he or Harold Wilson did.

Come the election, however either of them will win.

The buffoon leading the bunch of clowns that are the Conservatives does not stand a chance

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Cameron was formerly an image consultant I hear. The trouble with that is that if he was in charge, spin could be worse than under Blair.


I agree with their point about keeping policies under wraps until closer to the election, but I feel they would do better for themselves if they gave a better indication of what their policies were likely to be, as they seem largely devoid of any point at the moment.


Although, you have got to hand it to the tories for finally choosing a leader who isn't weird with a funny voice.

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You have made a point there, strangely, we at present have a leader in Tony Blair.


I'm afraid I can't agree that TB is a leader - I see him more in the autocrataic micro-manager role. That being said at least he could never be a Hitler or Stalin - he may have autocratic tendancies but lacks the charisma!

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I'm afraid I can't agree that TB is a leader - I see him more in the autocrataic micro-manager role. That being said at least he could never be a Hitler or Stalin - he may have autocratic tendancies but lacks the charisma!

Do you see anyone in the present parliament as a leader?

I do not see another Wilson, or Thatcher (god forbid) on the horizon.

Our best choice is between Brown or Reid. The tories have no one, I cannot even remember their faces, never mind their names. :(

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They won't get into power for at least three years, minimum. Why do they need to have detailed policies today?


The opposition are meant to be an alternative government.

They should be ready to take power instantly.

This is why their ministers are called 'shadows' because they have alternative policies to the person incumbent.

Do you think that a government invents its policies on the day it is elected?

What do they teach in school these days?

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Why should the opposition need to have "alternative policies"? :confused:


I'd rather them have improving policies, and I think that this is where Cameron is trying to head. He doesn't need to have fixed policies now, it would be pointless when an election is 4 years away.


Much of the problems of the past have been down to Governments undoing the good things that previous regimes have introduced for no good reason other than political posturing. New Labour worked this out early on and that's why they continued the good things that had been introduced by the previous Conservative incumbents.

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