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Shooting at niche?!?!?

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That just proves how much an IDIOT YOU ARE. patois is english, mixed with Scottish, Welsh, French and Spanish as this was spoken by the slave masters in the West Indies and so it became the language of the carribbean. An english person can easily understand patois, as spoken by Ali G and even bloody Jim Davidson speaks it in his jokes. I think you need to desperately check your self because obviously you have not accepted my apology earlier that was publicised. I think it is your IQ that is in question, you dont even know what jack arse means.
You brought the race issue up presumably because you were offended on behalf of unknown strangers and yet you seem to think it's ok to personally abuse others yourself. How do you account for that?
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Look, it's the John and Yoko love-in recreated for the pleasure of Sheffield Foruum users!!


what a fool, now you have been shown up and exposed. you have to resort to thinking were pals. just because some one who has quite rightly pointed something out to you. Grow up man

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You brought the race issue up presumably because you were offended on behalf of unknown strangers and yet you seem to think it's ok to personally abuse others yourself. How do you account for that?


I account for that on the ground that i was called an idiot and retarded. supposing i was. I was responding to the post that was initially posted by bladesufc. i have apologised to naps but he i do not think he wants to read it

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That just proves how much an IDIOT YOU ARE. patois is english, mixed with Scottish, Welsh, French and Spanish as this was spoken by the slave masters in the West Indies and so it became the language of the carribbean. An english person can easily understand patois, as spoken by Ali G and even bloody Jim Davidson speaks it in his jokes. I think you need to desperately check your self because obviously you have not accepted my apology earlier that was publicised. I think it is your IQ that is in question, you dont even know what jack arse means.

What are you jibbering about, dj54321 (or whatever you call yourself.) Is there meaning to your babble, or are you flapping those skinny lips to hear them slap together? your squealing like a fat woman. I started to read your meandering babble but stopped after the second sentence - it was the written equivalent of trying to translate at the monkey enclosure at the zoo. *hoot hoot hoot hoot* that's what it sounded like, bub. Looks like the 2nd wasn't the best day for you to drop your Ritalin dosage, eh...

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ok kids break it up... what happened saturday was unfortunate for the guy that got shot, as for who's responsible, it's the idiot that felt it necessary to go on a night out with a gun :loopy: nothing to do with the colour of his skin, just the state of his mind...!!!


Lets not argue amongst our selves this is just silly and un-necessary we should be standing up together to discourage this kind of behaviour. :thumbsup:

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What are you jibbering about, dj54321 (or whatever you call yourself.) Is there meaning to your babble, or are you flapping those skinny lips to hear them slap together? your squealing like a fat woman. I started to read your meandering babble but stopped after the second sentence - it was the written equivalent of trying to translate at the monkey enclosure at the zoo. *hoot hoot hoot hoot* that's what it sounded like, bub. Looks like the 2nd wasn't the best day for you to drop your Ritalin dosage, eh...


another buddy, first and foremost what has brought you to the dance. this is between naps so and i was stating a fact yet again about patois. so moyseyside if you are just hear to diss then expect the diss back. Once again the apology goes out to Naps as this race thing was brought up by bladesufc.

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another buddy, first and foremost what has brought you to the dance. this is between naps so and i was stating a fact yet again about patois. so moyseyside if you are just hear to diss then expect the diss back. Once again the apology goes out to Naps as this race thing was brought up by bladesufc.



Apology accepted. but you're still a complete dummy.

And don't try and exclude moyseyside for getting involved, you didn't have any issue with Darbees sticking his beak in. If the cap fits eh dj?


Moronic. Wasteful. Pointless.

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