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Do you vote?...yes, no or sometimes

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i have to say, i agree with whomever posted earlier to say that it should be compulsory. I see it as a fundamental civic duty, the only way to ensure that democracy really does represent the masses, and as such should be protected. If people don't vote, they should not be entitled to state benefits. Obviously there are caveats to this, eg there should be a 'none of the above' box, and dispensations for those who are genuinely not in a position to vote, whether through illhealth, homelessness, deprivation, etc.

But, if there was a box for the conscientious objectors to tick, everyone should simply have to give up the couple of minutes it takes every few years, and participate in the running of the country.


Nicely put p_f! :)

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The figures for people voting in England/Uk appear to be really low. Why don't people vote? Do those that don't vote still think they have a right to comment on how things are done when they don't take part in the 'democratic' process?


At the last election New Labour were returned to power on the votes of just 37% of those who did vote - IOW 63% of voters rejected them. It doesn't look very 'democratic' and probably turns a lot of people off. The voting system needs serious revision.

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For the people who do not wish to vote for any of the parties available, there is something called 'spoiling your vote' which you can all do. You basically put a cross through the whole of the ballot paper and take it in in the usual way. This then shows that its not that you cant be bothered to vote, its that you dont wish to vote in the people that are offered. Maybe if more people did this something would be done about it?


Personally, I cant be bothered to vote!

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You are all daft in yorkshire voting labour and with the above system all sorts of undereducated would vote


but, thing is, while it does scare me that "all sorts of undereducated" people might start votiing in a direction that i personally abhor, it saddens me a thousand times more that so many people simply don't vote because the can't be bothered.


and i genuinely feel that, if there was a compulsion on everyone to vote, the government and civic groups (both political and apolitical) might suddenly begin to take their responsibilities more seriously and begin to educate the undereducated. suddenly every citizen would become a potential voter. the government could no longer get away with effectively ignoring the vulnerable sections of society simply because they're unlikely to vote in the next election. making everyone vote and participate in running the country would be in everyone's best interests.


eventually people really might start seeing politics as relevant to their own lives,

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