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Do you vote?...yes, no or sometimes

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The figures for people voting in England/Uk appear to be really low. Why don't people vote? Do those that don't vote still think they have a right to comment on how things are done when they don't take part in the 'democratic' process?


Yes, just because I cant be bothered doesn't mean I cant Kick off rate at social when I need some more cider

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Perhaps if we had someone decent to vote for or perhaps a section that says 'none of the above' more people would vote.

The none of the above vote would show politicians that people do want to vote and just how many potential votes they are missing out on.

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I have always voted since 16yo (now 22yo). People died for the vote and our freedoms. Those who don't have no respect or brains.


At the beginning of the 19th Century, out of the 16million population in the UK, only around 400,000 were allowed to vote.


Only after dedicated campaigns from reformers, it took until 1928 before all adults, men and women, had a vote.


People, or "sheeple" as we are now affectionately known, have turned into brain-dead zombies fed on a diet of consumerism and reality TV, trying to emulate celebrities, but actually living in high amounts of debt for a little poke hole and to drive around (sorry, sit in traffic congestion) in 4x4s, escaping numerous times a year on 9p budget airline flights to some east European or Med beach holidays. Probably own a BTL or two, maybe abroad?


They don't need to vote. Perfectly in control of their own futures. While the banks, politicians, etc. count their money laughing.


Its time to wake up people. If you are unhappy, vote accordingly.




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Apologies if I've offended skala!


I think of those who died for freedom and the right to vote. They sacrificed life for a decent, just cause!


I respect you may not wish to vote, but I do not agree with it, it just doesn't make sense. Would you prefer being denied the right to vote instead? :loopy:




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Apologies if I've offended skala!


I think of those who died for freedom and the right to vote. They sacrificed life for a decent, just cause!


I respect you may not wish to vote, but I do not agree with it, it just doesn't make sense. Would you prefer being denied the right to vote instead? :loopy:





I get what your saying and thanks for the apologie! IMO I think if i vote when i dont even know what im voting for then i think its a bit hypocritical (if thats how you spell it ha ha) it's like getting married in a church when your not religious!

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