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Food tolerance testing

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Well, it would appear mine is a definite allergy and the doc recommended abstention from eating the culprit foods (oh really, that sounds like a clever idea, wish I'd thought of it instead of eating oranges everyday and almost suffocating.... but go on).

He also gave me anti histamines and instructions to call an ambulance if I have trouble breathing.

So, I won't be going for tests and I guess your doc might do the same, who knows unless you speak to him/her?

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I bought some wheat free bread today and ate some as a sandwich at lunch.


ive started buying soya bread from morrisons, not for any health reasons- just coz they NEVER have any blimming brown bread!


they carry a brand called burgens and do 2 types. the first is like a warburtons seeded batch type thing with extra linseed (v. good for you) and all sorts of yummy bits in.


the other one sounds a bit wierd, but is really nice too. its exactly the same but with cranberries in it. the first time i had it, i actually bought it by accident (d'oh!) but didnt regret it at all.


it is a bit pricey, about a quid a loaf, but it definately lasts longer...and for someone who struggles to get through a loaf in a week, or before it goes mouldy, thats definately a bonus.


best of luck,




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So is the soya bread wheat/gluten free?




i honestly dont know- i had to get a mini warburtons seeded batch because there wasnt even any of the soya bread yesterday- rubbish!


i suspect twiglet is probably right, but a check of the ingredient labels etc will be able to confirm things for you.


sorry if ive got your hopes up and its not suitable.




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I did check before I wrote it!. It definitely, categorically, is NOT gluten or wheat free. The product warnings state:


Contains Gluten, Wheat and Soya


It is just a regular loaf that contains soya, it is not purely made from it. Gluten free breads are (in my opinion) truly revolting, and a whole lot more expensive than these.

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The loaf I got was from Harvestyme health food shop in Hillsborough. It's a wheat free rye loaf and is actually pretty ok.


Had a slice toasted for breakfast and so far no pain at all. :thumbsup::clap::banana::bigsmile:


Wheat free bread is different to gluten free bread. It isn't suitable for Coeliacs as it still contains gluten in the rye (hence why it isn't as revolting as gluten free bread!).

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