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Things that irritate you beyond belief...

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OH and Jodie Marsh :thumbsup:


I second that, can't stand the woman. If she were anymore fake she'd have a job in Marks n Sparks front window modelling a new swim suit with the other dummies.


Not seen much of her since celeb big brother last year though. Putting her true personality in the spotlight was clearly a bad career move. :hihi:

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This happens to me all the time in Borders: The shop is on two levels; most non-fiction, DVDs, CDs and Starbucks are upstairs. I can guarentee that every time I walk down the stairs to the lower floor, I'll be behind a parent with a toddler who'll be slowly inching their way down, step by painful step. The parent will turn around and smile indulgently, as if to say 'aw, isn't this just the most lovely thing you've ever seen? I'm teaching my child to walk down stairs in public.'


Please. Pick the child up and carry it. That way you won't have a queue of pished off folk behind you just itching to drop-kick the child out of the way.

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It gets on me tits though, once or twice is fine, but ALL the time I'm at Meadowhall, or indeed, town? Grrr!


Me too Scarby, especially when I am on my way through from work and not in the best mood anyway!

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