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Mr Prime

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Everything posted by Mr Prime

  1. Maybe, maybe not, this is a debating site and you've made some obviously heartfelt, if ridiculous points on a very serious and topical subject. This isn't a debate about Toblerones. You know perfectly well who Millie Tant is, she's only a Google away and those who know her will see a strong resemblance to her on post 590, the most ridiculous post on this subject.
  2. Telling obese people to lose weight when they're care of the state is not being picked on. Saying "here's some cash now go and live on chicken nuggets" is more heartless, you're just another Antoinette saying "let them eat cake".
  3. You've lost me there, particularly as the Daily Mail never came into it in the first place. Anyone looking at post 590 will see a resemblance to Millie Tant as I did when I laughed out loud at your preposterous accusations. That's post 590 for anyone wondering what this difference of opinion is about.
  4. So everything's fine as it is? I'm not going to be kept awake at night by the use of obesity testing or lack of such tests. I don't think recipients of taxpayers cash should complain about strings, they're not being asked to pick litter in orange jumpsuits.
  5. Ah, he's upset at being made to look foolish in post 590 of the Falklands thread. Offensive to whom? I don't see many complaining. Perhaps it proves I'm a running dog of western imperialism?
  6. You're just talking crap, out of nowhere you're upset that I can't refer to mantras from the Daily Mail. Why would I want to? Your English implies that I should be able to refer to these mantras. For a man with Millie Tant phrases and an approach to the Falklands seconded by nobody you're very confident, despite having little to be confident about. Get some support on here and you might have reason to be. Post 590, one of the worst on Sheffield Forum ever.
  7. I'm not sure of your English, "when you cannot refer to mantras espoused by the Daily Mail"? What does that actually mean? As for infantile you started off sensible, hand wringingly wet but with a serious viewpoint until you said the following nonsense: Post 590 "Do you and your imperialist friends have any better ideas?" Cheesy.
  8. Plenty at the moment, and no I'm not interested in the figure or looking for it. Abolition of the welfare state makes us Dickensian, telling a few fat states on benefits to sort themselves out is sensible.
  9. Well I'd have no objections to the 5% underclass Wayne and Waynettas, those sad relics from the Victorian period who've never changed being dead.
  10. Yes, supporting Falklanders makes me a sexist pig. Ever heard of a character called Millie Tant? More tangents than a Terry's chocolate orange.
  11. I was a friend of the Labour students lot. I'm also guessing Kinnock would agree with my views. With regard to womens rights I've never even been to a strip/lapdancing bar. I had gay friends and still do, I don't see how defending the Falklanders makes me homophobic but that's another far left analysis. However you seem to be saying you're not one of them? I'm 36 and thus too old to fight so I'll settle for waving a flag. However I'd rather there was no war at all and doubt there will be when Barbie runs out of steam.
  12. Yes if you believe in taking freedom absolutely literally like some kind of nutter with a Taliban mentality. ---------- Post added 03-01-2013 at 21:55 ---------- Fine but these intrusive powers only apply to the obese, e.g. Wayne and Waynetta and even then only after they've been taking the urine on taxpayers money for ages. The working majority pay for the non working minority. I believe in a welfare state, I don't believe in Oliver Twist. However it is because I believe in it that I believe it should be tough, not some giant sponge that will one day collapse leading to none at all. The same with the NHS, the more it is abused the closer it comes to being abolished.
  13. Sorry Sherlock, try Linkedin. What an odd question, I simply ignored or criticised the socialist worker lot in debates, what did you think I did? Brought a rocket launcher into the union bar? Never mind that, you've got an opinion that is hopelessly unpopular that nobidy sane in the UK would support. You haven't been able to do much to defend it so I guess you'll admit it is a ridiculous one or you will convince us all?
  14. You call me by a 'comedy' name so I responded by pointing out that you call yourself gnbvgos while I use my actual name. Silly boy. Vitriol? You're the individual angrily demanding whether me and my imperialist friends have any better ideas! You're right, 3000 people can't dictate foreign policy, add 60 million to that e.g. the population of the UK since your views have no traction in the land. The socialist worker lot were notorious at my university and you read just like them, your friend or is it alter ego? Mecky does too. You don't need a seconder? Fine, most people without one would feel embarrassed and quietly withdraw from the debate.
  15. OK, I'll accept that you do since you don't have a reputation as a BS merchant on here, however it struck me as rather convenient. As for jealous I haven't given private healthcare that much thought as I've had the occasional visit to the GP only in my life. Much of my commentary on here is tongue in cheek, however if Westminster want to say to benefits users that there are strings then I say so what? ---------- Post added 03-01-2013 at 21:16 ---------- You may be right re the EU. The rest is hysterical e.g. why is saying to obese people that they must cut down and apply a bit of stick to make them do so demoralising? Don't like it? Lose weight and or get off benefits. Anyone would think from the reactions on here that Westminster was asking the obese to build the Burma railway.
  16. Good point, nobody likes paying taxes and are forced to. In that case there'll be a mass exodus to a free country like Somalia, no taxes, no laws forcing anyone to do anything. But wait, it hasn't happened? Your point is weak. People are forced to hospitals all the time even when they don't want to go or forced to stay even when they want to discharge themselves. Should we let them pursue their will to the mortuary slab?
  17. My name is John Prime, formerly of Glenholme Way, now of Paddington. Who are you? You're clearly not called gnvogos. Wow, I took you seriously until this, a ridiculous Socialist Wonker caricature reply! The only person threatening stability is Conquistador Barbie, are you going to tell her to evacuate South America and return to Spain? Their brand of imperialism was a touch more brutal than ours or should I say that of the British as you clearly consider yourself an internationalist whilst being nothing of the sort. I'm a democrat and the people of the Falklands Islands vote no which makes you and your actual imperialist friend dictators. The ball is back in your court, what was the term your friend Lenin used, useful idiot? Imperialism was all the rage in the 19th century so the British did nothing unusual and only unseated an Argentinian imperialist garrison, not a load of nuns. War is the natural state of humanity and even you and your leftie friends love class war so nobody is above it. Do you have any seconders to your view on this forum or in the country outside your phone box leftie meetings? I know I do.
  18. Of course you do I'm six feet exactly and around thirteen stone and not on benefits so...?
  19. I'll answer your question when you've answered mine, that's how serious adults work.
  20. Dunno, I don't measure these things, just think of Daniel Craig coming out of the sea in Casino Royale, that's me. ---------- Post added 03-01-2013 at 20:28 ---------- Forcing them to be healthy! Good God, what a conspiracy against them and their families. As I said to another person who can't think outside the box, you're basically saying "let them eat cake" like Marie Antoinette with just as much grasp of what's good for the 'vulnerable' you seem to be claiming to care about.
  21. Oh, you conveniently have private healthcare just in time to rebut my views? Of course you do. Even if you're Michael Heseltine it's irrelevant since most people don't.
  22. Come on, you're in Port Stanley Town Hall, the population are before you to hear your widsom and you say...?
  23. I'd say 6 months would be fine. After years of an expanding welfare state, the cult of the individual and the endless demands for rights and wails of "you can't judge me!" it is time to push the pendulum back. There is a lot of hyperbole here, how does the systmen assume everyone is an unqualified waster? Do DWP staff laugh at unemployed people and push them away from jobs laughing because the rabble are so unqualified? It's also rather controlling that the majority of taxpayers have to keep forking out more and more and more because they're held to emotional ransom e.g. if benefits don't continue to expand Wayne and Waynetta will suffer and their many Tiny Tim's will live in state forced, rather than self inflicted squalor.
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