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Having a fire

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Is there still laws saying what time you can and can not have a fire in your garden? Around me people have them when they want :evil: i thought it was 6pm could be wrong?


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Originally posted by "Moon Maiden"


I don't know about laws. I always thought it was common decency to at least to wait until your neighbours washing was in or to warn them.


Moon Maiden


i thought it was an unwritten rule to start fires when you have washing out :P


thats what they must think here

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Originally posted by "RPG"


I don't know about laws. I always thought it was common decency to at least to wait until your neighbours washing was in or to warn them.


Moon Maiden


i thought it was an unwritten rule to start fires when you have washing out :P


thats what they must think here

and its always someone burning old tyres
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Unless there are specific bye-laws in Sheffield ( I don't know if there are) then I found this on the net.


Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, a statutory nuisance includes "smoke, fumes or gases emitted from premises so as to be prejudicial to health or a nuisance". In practice, to be considered a nuisance, a bonfire would have to be a regular problem and interfering substantially with your well-being, comfort or enjoyment of your property

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I think you can have a fire to burn 'garden waste' etc at any time providing that it does not cause a nuisance. This basically means that anything goes unless someone actually complains to the council about it, and then it would have to be a regular occurrence before they would take any action.


Common sense should apply, but it's surprising how many people don't have any!



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