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Covid Annual Day Of Reflection To Take Place At Balm Green Gardens

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The first annual day of reflection to remember those lost to Covid is on Sunday 3rd March and will see a memorial event in Balm Green Gardens at the permanent Covid memorial willow tree sculpture.

The event is open to all and will begin at 12 noonwith a minute’s silence, followed by a collection of speeches from Sheffield residents introduced by Councillor Tom Hunt, Leader of Sheffield City Council.


Those attending include The Lord Mayor of Sheffield, representatives from those organisations awarded small grants for Covid memorial activity in 2023, people who lost loved ones, and those people whose stories are featured in the Sheffield documentary ‘Stories from the Pandemic’.


Focussing on why it is important to hold a day like this to reflect on the impact from the height of the pandemic, the speakers will tell their own stories and share their personal reflections. This part of the event will last around an hour and at the same time a workshop will take place between 10am and 4pm in Balm Green Gardens, where people can decorate memorial leaves with their personal messages and attach them to the memorial tree.


At the end of the day, the personalised leaves will be taken down and given to the Council’s Sheffield City Archives Team, to add to the existing Covid memorial materials held in the city.


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This is a really sensitive subject for some, so as a reflection occasion this thread will be kept respectful with any Covid-denying or insensitive posts removed.


Theres a whole covid thread in General Chat for any debate on covid itself. Please just keep this about reflections and remembrance.

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