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3 hours ago, Fiat500 said:

First off, hope you are doing well Leo. My husband was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in November. At the moment he is on active surveillance as he was diagnosed early stage low grade. We will be following your thread with interest.

Re your comments about getting tested. I totally agree but, however, don't rely on your doctor alone. Over 30 years ago my husband had been treated for continuous catarrh for over 15 months. He had balance, hearing and eyesight problems. He went to see an Optician who sent him to see a private specialist. The day after he saw the specialist he was in the hospital and booked in for an emergency operation. He had an acoustic neuroma, a tumour that was very large attached to his acoustic nerve.

Years later I myself had been misdiagnosed twice by my doctor, once ending up with major surgery for a meningioma brain tumour. Both times it took me approx 2 years to get the correct diagnosis. Re the brain tumour, even a specialist at a private hospital said I had tinnitus and sinusitis. The one who diagnosed I had a problem was an  Optician. Therefore, a simple eye test could also save your life. 

fully agree , sounds  similar to my experiance

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54 minutes ago, Kidorry said:

I fully agree with you, but, a lot of men are fools to themselves by not going and getting checked. 

Exactly.  My son has the idea that if you don't know about it you haven't got it. Not just men, there's women who won't go for cervical/breast screening in case they have got it, I don't understand them. When I was asked how I found out I had a brain tumour, I told them an eye test. How many said they would not go to get an eye test!


Get checked as early as possible it is the difference between life and death.

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Hi Leo, it was good to talk to you in the Moor Market today. Just to clarify, the Hub is a Cavendish Cancer Hub not MacMillan . We do supply information from Macmillan and many other charities and organisations, so if anyone would like further information or just a chat, please call and see us.

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1 hour ago, hubworker said:

Hi Leo, it was good to talk to you in the Moor Market today. Just to clarify, the Hub is a Cavendish Cancer Hub not MacMillan . We do supply information from Macmillan and many other charities and organisations, so if anyone would like further information or just a chat, please call and see us.

Thanks Hubby , I picked up a book (help with the cost of cancer ) from you and its a Mcmillan book so thats the name mix up , 

It was nice to meet and chat with you , thanks for the help .

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Well ,its a week since I started taking the  pills , As said in  my introduction post I  have been waiting for the dreaded side effects ,  The results up to now are    Zilll ,nowt , zero , Ok i feel a little tired at times but that could be the case any way , The old man breasts are still a couple of just that , mere dimples,      no blood in poo, no dizzy turns , so  now its on to the second week of tablets . 

Up date next week .

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Good luck Leo, while i have not suffered Cancer myself i had to sit and watch both my wife and mother fight it at the same time. All i will say is take all the support you can get from everywhere. 

When my wife had hers we found out about a lot of support you can get through therapy sessions for you and your family ( i dont know your personal circumstances) which helped us tremendously.


There are also other groups out there that offer therapies.


I hate to be practical but if you have critical illness cover on any loan or mortgage (again i dont know your circumstances) then speak to your medical team about it. We didnt think we were covered (my wife had Breast cancer) but the nurse asked if we had it and helped us with the paperwork to get it claimed. Since then we have had friends go through the same situation and helped them with it. 


I' work in sheff centre near the courts. If you are ever in the area squire and need an ear drop me a line and i'll stick the kettle on.


Good luck, you will smash this

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