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Thug on 52 to Crookes at teatime?

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Was anyone on the 52 bus going up to Crookes at about 5.30. Some thug was doing his best to try and intimidate this innocent bystander with the use of foul language and physical abuse. When the poor victim got off, the thug followed. I just hope he wasn't assaulted.

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give 2202020 a ring - just incase it's been reported, and you qualify as a witness.


If it gets on crimewatch in 6 months time because the victim was assaulted, you'll have forgotten lots of important details ;)

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Was anyone on the 52 bus going up to Crookes at about 5.30. Some thug was doing his best to try and intimidate this innocent bystander with the use of foul language and physical abuse. When the poor victim got off, the thug followed. I just hope he wasn't assaulted.


Classic bystander effect, I'm guessing, as in none of you on the bus said anything?


That's not an attack by the way! It's a social psychological phenomenon...

There are loads of examples of it... everyone expects someone else to step in/help, in fear for themselves getting hurt or embarrassing themselves, and because the responsibility is spread out among the people... so no one actually helps!

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So why didn't you help him? Did you feel threatened too...was he a big guy.....My grandad was 83 and the same happened to him, no one helped him, the thug tried to attack him and he floored him, no thanks to the watchers on the bus who only had the guts to applaud him when they thought they were safe, these thugs should be stopped

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So why didn't you help him? Did you feel threatened too...was he a big guy.....My grandad was 83 and the same happened to him, no one helped him, the thug tried to attack him and he floored him, no thanks to the watchers on the bus who only had the guts to applaud him when they thought they were safe, these thugs should be stopped


i try and help people when i can BUT in this day and age everybody knows all too well the stories of do gooders killed by guns and knives


its not always sensible

sometimes i feel like giving some of the little scum a slap tho :)

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I was in a sandwich shop in Firth Park the other day when several youths came in swearing loudly. I just turned to them and said, "Come on lads, watch your language there are little ones in here". They immediately apologised and stopped swearing. An old lady approached me and thanked me, saying not enough people are prepared to do that (I think she felt too intimidated by them to say anything). What I couldn't believe was the reaction of the staff. They had all heard what was going off but not one of them gave me eye contact or agreed with me - even the woman who served me. I felt as though I was in the wrong! Am I in a minority? :rant:

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these days? yup

Hope I am never intimidated with you around, needs more people like the Sheffield Shield woman around. I do know what you mean, it is dangerous and I myself am no hero, but the less people tell them the more guns and knifes will appear...I know there is no simple answer, but I take my hat off to those who stand up...

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It's hardly about being threatened yourself... if you are on a busy bus and one/two idiots are bullying/attacking someone, there will statistically be at LEAST 10 times the number of people needed to safely disarm/contain him, without special training etc. (bar if knives/guns are involved which is unlikely in the case posed on this thread)


Even thugs are intimidated by numbers! The problem still remains. Everyone feels they should be doing/ saying something but the social situation is a very compelling thing in this instance. It takes someone to be aware of this Bystander Effect to be able to break it, i think. Even then you have to be brave enough to rally around the bus and recruit total strangers to help you. It only takes one, however, and most others WILL join in.

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