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Should I be allowed to burn the flag if I want to?

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Should I be allowed the burn the Union Jack if I want to, or should, as Mr Trump tweeted the other day, flag burners face a year in jail or losing their citizenship?

If you are a proud British citizen and your current Union flag is no longer in a good state of repair, then it is ok to put it on your fire.


Have you bought a replacement flag yet, Halibut ?

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Yes. Yes, you should. In fact, I think you should start right now. When 2017 comes, and we're all shuffling around a post-apocalyptic landscape after Trump's been goaded about his tiny hands beyond the limits of a late night Twitter rant, you're going to need to know which ones burn well and which ones you should keep to use as blankets.

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You see this on Facebook all the time - read the comments section on Sky News or ITN News, both of which are full of Trump-esque lunatics. (Seriously, any incident happens, and there's a massive call of 'I'll bet it's a Muslim' before any details are out).


My view - it's a flag. It's a piece of cloth. Who cares. Burn it all you like, it makes no all difference to anything.


Yes, it represents the country. Great. If one person burns a flag, nothing at all happens. If 200 people burn flags, nothing happens.


I was called massively unpatriotic and an embarrassment for having that view, but it's true. To take it further, after the jubilee and other events, thousands of flags, flag bunting etc are burnt, pulped, destroyed. No one cares. At all.


I suspect Trump means he'll imprison Muslims if they do it, but if Joe Redneck from the deep south pulps a few thousand flags after Independence Day, Trump won't care at all.

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It's a symolic gesture saying screw this country (whichever flag you are burning). If people fell strongly enough to burn the flag of their country why don't they feel strongly enough to leave the country?

Because that would be too much like hard work.

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It's a symolic gesture saying screw this country (whichever flag you are burning). If people fell strongly enough to burn the flag of their country why don't they feel strongly enough to leave the country?


It's a gesture that achieves literally nothing.


You've burnt a flag. Well done. And that has caused what to happen? A little pollution? That's about it.

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