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New Niche nightclub Sheffield Wicker.


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The knifes, guns and drugs won't be coming out of hiding as there in most pubs and clubs now anyway. Niche does has a bad rep but it happens everywhere now think people still live in a bubble like nothing happens anywhere else but where the press report.


Had a feeling would be same owner as tank. Any more information like when it's opening etc? Have heard it's ment to be over 25s only.


Again wouldn't matter if it was in the wicker arches or dore village if something's going to happen then it will. People came from all over the U.K. To the original niche and if this has some success sure they will again.


I think you're far too worried or simply just going to the wrong places. I have never seen any trouble other than scuffles, and even that seems to happen rarely. I would suggest you switch up your location

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I think you're far too worried or simply just going to the wrong places. I have never seen any trouble other than scuffles, and even that seems to happen rarely. I would suggest you switch up your location


I'm not worried at all but I also don't live in a bubble. If that's all you have seen then fair play your lucky but your either blind or don't want to see the world we live in now. I'll be there on opening night just like I was a regular to Sydney street niche, limit and vibe/niche.


I won't switch up locations as that's the local pubs and most places in the town centre and I got to those places because I like the music,atmosphere,drink and other reasons but I also accept that not everyone plays by the same rules. If you had a favourite pub but there was the odd few either dealing drugs or maybe carried a weapon im sure you wouldn't stop going and if you did then your loss.


Niche has pretty much always been rough,underground, whatever you want to call it but that doesn't stop you having a good night and enjoying yourself.

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I suppose the age limit might stop some trouble, with lads having to be 25 and girls 21. But I don't think it's very likely. I find when a place has a reputation like that, no amount of rebranding is going to change it. It just attracts the wrong sort, who then ruin the night and the nightclubs in Sheffield for everyone else.

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