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Coal Shute problem

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Hi my daughter has just moved into a house on a hill in Sheffield

The cellar is damp and is going to get some one in to sort it, but she has a coal shute that is open to the public pathway and so gets quite a lot of rain and damp connected to that.

Can anyone give me suggestions as how to solve this problem


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Can anyone recommend a builder who can put in an air brick and the block up my daughter coal chute. She lives in s6. Also she needs an electrician, any recommendations?


---------- Post added 02-07-2016 at 13:04 ----------


Wayne number not answering

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Ive lived in a house with a coal cellar. In the middle of the floor there was a hole in the bricks exposing earth. A builder relative told me to leave the floor alone and NOT to fill the hole in. Its a soakaway for any water that gets in through the coal chute. Where I live now, my neighbour concreted the floor in his cellar. Heavy rain caused serious flooding, 4 feet deep. He had to buy a pump and pump it out. He didnt know about soakaways. My advice would be to secure the coalchute but dont reduce ventilation, and dont fill any soakaways.

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