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Payback time for Payday loan companies.

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The banks will have the last laugh when we all have to pay £10 a month for merely having a current account.


If the banks act in the same slipshod manner we'll be able to claim every penny back off them, with interest.

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I started to research into Payday loan companies, and their practices after some of the staff i manage confided in me- regarding how debt was affecting them at home and work.


Anyhow, as the title says- It's payback time!


I know plenty on here will show no sympathy, but sit with someone who has debts spiralling out of control, don't judge, just listen, some of the stories i've heard are horrendous.


Ok... This site http://debtcamel.co.uk/ may just change your life!


Click on 'debt problems,' then click on 'payday loan refunds.' READ THROUGH ALL THE COMMENTS POSTED!


This site also contains an index with all the email addresses you will need, as this is the best way to do your communicating.


After Wonga was ordered to pay back millions to customers for what were deemed 'unaffordable loans' has now spread like wild fire throughout the industry.Thousands of people in debt are getting refunds, which in some cases runs into thousands of pounds. Not only this, but also credit records cleaned up and loans written off. Even if your loans go back 6 years, you can still seek redress, and if the Financial Ombusman upholds, then in most cases all charges and interest is paid back to you at 8% simple.


Don't worry if your loan/s were sold on, you still deal with the company who you took the contract out with.


Finally, you have to be patient. Some people are made offers quite quick! Some others take a few month, (although the FO give them 8 weeks to provide all the information and a final response/offer), then the FO demand it.


The lady who runs the site is called Sara, she is fantastic! and will guide you through. She doesn't mind me using her name, as she's on a mission.


I don't expect this thread to run long, as it's a personal thing, but please CHECK THEM OUT!.


I've helped 2 staff members write off over £10K of debt and get refunds running into the high hundreds.

Newcastle United may be going to get their comeuppance for siding with such a dastardly sponsor.

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Cheekily? It is to see how likely you are to be susceptible to bribes. You would think that any job that required security clearance that it is reasonable to ask these questions as national security is at stake.


When I had to apply for security clearance to work with sensitive data at the MOD I had to go through a vetting procedure to make sure I wasn't financially vulnerable to bribery.

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When I had to apply for security clearance to work with sensitive data at the MOD I had to go through a vetting procedure to make sure I wasn't financially vulnerable to bribery.


I'm pretty sure this applies to anyone thinking of joining the Police.

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