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Left wing voters prevented from supporting corbyn

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Corbyn is probably going to win despite the efforts to rig it. Labour are just embarrassing themselves by their behaviour.


You've got to hand it to Ed though. Not content with leading them to defeat as leader he made sure he laid the foundations for defeat next time around too. :hihi:

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I saw this on Newsnight last night. They had a member of the public on who had voted Labour since being eligible in 1979, and was a Labour Party member. After the Iraq War he voted for the Green Party. The man registered to vote for Jeremy Corbyn, but his vote was disqualified.

The Labour Party member put it to Ben Bradshaw, deputy leadership hopeful, that if he was a Tory Party member who wanted to vote for Liz Kendall, the Labour Party would've welcomed him with open arms. But because he was wanted Jeremy Corbyn his vote was disqualified.

It's hard to disagree with the view that the Labour Party is engaged in a McCarthyite witch hunt, which will alienate many, and will make people cynical about the process.

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I saw this on Newsnight last night. They had a member of the public on who had voted Labour since being eligible in 1979, and was a Labour Party member. After the Iraq War he voted for the Green Party. The man registered to vote for Jeremy Corbyn, but his vote was disqualified.

The Labour Party member put it to Ben Bradshaw, deputy leadership hopeful, that if he was a Tory Party member who wanted to vote for Liz Kendall, the Labour Party would've welcomed him with open arms. But because he was wanted Jeremy Corbyn his vote was disqualified.

It's hard to disagree with the view that the Labour Party is engaged in a McCarthyite witch hunt, which will alienate many, and will make people cynical about the process.


The ultimate outcome of Labour's purge will be to ensure that if any of the 3 "mainstream" candidates do win this, they will be viewed as having only won thanks to foul play.


It also shows Labour to be something of a closed sect, which is the exact opposite of what we need from Labour.


Never mind agonizing over whether to move right or left, Labour needs to sort out it's issues with infighting and basic competence.


Makes me relieved that I've never joined the Labour party.

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It makes them unelectable.

if corbyn gets in, expect more dissent from the centre of the party.


Why not listen to the voters. Who do these politicians think they are, rank and filing like that?


---------- Post added 21-08-2015 at 14:02 ----------


Died in the wool tories are rubbing their hands together.

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It is a pathetic way to carry on. The Labour party set up these election rules and now the "wrong" candidate looks like winning the grandees of the party are wetting themselves and trying to fix the result.


People are being barred from voting because they do not "share the values of the Labour party"; where does this come from? It's not in the rulebook.


I don't think that Corbyn is anything special but he is a least a change from the same old same old; the dreadful dull narrow consensus that has settled across the mainstream parties, and people are responding to that and why not?


As for "he won't win", excuse me, the Labour party (with Yvette Cooper well to the fore) has just lost the last two general elections - what makes anyone think that she or Andy Burnham can turn things round?

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Has Corbyn announced yet that he's going to apologise for opposing intervention to stop genocide in the Balkans, because it would have upset his old mate Milosovic?


Challenging the man's judgements and beliefs is one thing but seeking excuses to deny supporters from voting for him is something else. The Labour Party is in self-destruct mode.

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Challenging the man's judgements and beliefs is one thing but seeking excuses to deny supporters from voting for him is something else. The Labour Party is in self-destruct mode.


Exactly. The Labour party has problems that go beyond whether or not their next leader might have unreconstructed left wing views.

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