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What am I nat-bleeding west?

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people that think you're a bank, that gives credit. And people you lend money to that never pay you back because they think you've got loads of money.


people that waste your time in business. clients who pay late continually yet expect the moon on a stick.


Lately ive encountered a glut of these people who only think there issues are important and go around treating other people with disrespect. no etiquette, manners or morals.


not on is it?


how do YOU deal with this sort?:rant:

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people that think you're a bank, that gives credit. And people you lend money to that never pay you back because they think you've got loads of money.


people that waste your time in business. clients who pay late continually yet expect the moon on a stick.


Lately ive encountered a glut of these people who only think there issues are important and go around treating other people with disrespect. no etiquette, manners or morals.


not on is it?


how do YOU deal with this sort?:rant:

on the first--learn to say - - and mean no. on the second amend your contract terms to include penalty payments for overdue accounts.

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Money. Up. Front.


That said, if you've got long term clients it's hard to get them to change although if I've got a good relationship with them I can be blunter/more honest than normal and most appreciate that. The once-a-year ones are hard to change though. You know the money is coming you just don't know when.

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Money. Up. Front.


That said, if you've got long term clients it's hard to get them to change although if I've got a good relationship with them I can be blunter/more honest than normal and most appreciate that. The once-a-year ones are hard to change though. You know the money is coming you just don't know when.


Sometimes that relationship is the problem. I'm pretty blunt too. Although I'm finding when im asked for help I get it thrown back in my face.


---------- Post added 18-08-2015 at 14:43 ----------


on the first--learn to say - - and mean no. on the second amend your contract terms to include penalty payments for overdue accounts.


on the first - learnt lesson hard way

on the second - in theory i agree 100%


---------- Post added 18-08-2015 at 14:44 ----------


some people can be manipulative. And they dont show true colours until later.

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I get fed up of taking phone calls from the lads asking 'can I have a sub, can I have a sub'. It's really not an issue when I know they genuinely need it to help them out before payday but there is one lad in particular who asks every week!


He get's paid every Friday and by Monday / Tuesday he's asking for a sub! Sometimes I want to say no, tell him to sort his finances out and stop treating me like his personal bank! but I know he's also got 2 very young children and he always needs it for food or electricity! (he says) but I can't risk saying no in case he is legitimate and then I'd feel bad for the kids!

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amend your contract terms to include penalty payments for overdue accounts.

Yes, although you need to ensure that the extra is not an unjustifiable penalty [e.g. 1% per day] but rather a reasonable interest charge [e.g. 4 percentage points above (name of your own Bank)'s Base Rate per annum] on the unpaid amount:

a. on/from the day after the date on which the amount fell due;

b. to/inc. the day on which you receive cleared funds.

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