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Motor trade insurance

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Can anyone get a trade policy? There's two cars in the house hold mine and my grandads I work for a telecoms company and he is retired, I just want to know if there is any insurers that I can put both cars and drivers onto one policy? Any thoughts?

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Can anyone get a trade policy? There's two cars in the house hold mine and my grandads I work for a telecoms company and he is retired, I just want to know if there is any insurers that I can put both cars and drivers onto one policy? Any thoughts?


Can't you just get a multi-car policy?

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Admiral springs to mind, although I have heard if you shop around you can still get a better deal with two separate policies.


Spending a day on the phone ringing insurance companies usually knocks a good percentage off your yearly premium :)

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Can anyone get a trade policy? There's two cars in the house hold mine and my grandads I work for a telecoms company and he is retired, I just want to know if there is any insurers that I can put both cars and drivers onto one policy? Any thoughts?


I would expect that to get a motor trade insurance policy you'd have to be in the motor trade?

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I have a motor trade policy,you have to prove you buy and sell cars or repair cars,you have to be constantly updating your list of cars or the insurance company start getting on your case and it's not cheap.

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