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Protest against Austerity Sheffield 8th July

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Well my post created more a of stir than I thought it would


I know my reasons for putting it up in the first place


I won't get into arguments of what the protest is all about, everyone is entitled to their opinion

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The disabled people I've worked with over the years were all reliable and would be very offended at that generalisation.


Really? Have you not considered that they may be hiding their inability?

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Hello all


I've just found out that there will be a protest on the 8th of July at Sheffield Town Hall at 1700


I will be going and thought I'd just spread the word


All the best




I would like to attend this ,but I cannot afford the bus fare

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what worries me is the two war memorials in Barkers Pool, these type of people have a habit of doing nasty things to such memorials when they protest about austerity.


Don't be silly.


The war memorials were damaged by anarchist groups in previous demonstrations to either cause trouble or simply get attention for themselves.


Anti-austerity demonstrators come from all sections of British society, though not Tory voters.


---------- Post added 01-07-2015 at 19:17 ----------


I would like to attend this ,but I cannot afford the bus fare


If you don't live far then maybe you could walk?

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Hello all


I've just found out that there will be a protest on the 8th of July at Sheffield Town Hall at 1700


I will be going and thought I'd just spread the word


All the best




ill avoid town cant stand lefties


---------- Post added 01-07-2015 at 19:55 ----------


But of course the cowardly Tories disrespectfully neglected (deliberately avoided) to tell the electorate what they were going to cut, so we were all voting in the dark. That should quite simply not have been allowed to happen.


How many, for instance,) are now happy with the cuts to services for the disabled for instance? Of course it won't affect the majority of people, so they will be able to get on with their happy little lives (for now,) but it will be absolutely devastating for the people who rely on them. But as long as it's happening to someone else that's alright..


What the average Tory voter has failed to think about is that they themselves could become disabled tomorrow, or they could become a carer, and need help, and they will certainly grow old and become infirm eventually, but there will be nothing left to help them.


They might then just wish they had voted Labour, or maybe think they would be better off being left out on a cold night on a hillside to die...

They just can't get their heads round this growing old lark, can they...?

labour with no plans spending 2.5 million for nhs when the independent bodies said 8 million needs spending sheffielders who support labour should smell the coffee a council thats been ruined by labour .


---------- Post added 01-07-2015 at 19:58 ----------


They're idiots, that why.


They get persuaded by the Daily Mail and The Sun because they can't think for themselves.


there idiots the only idiots are the people that are deluded labour supporters


---------- Post added 01-07-2015 at 20:01 ----------


Those that can get work probably do work and are proud to do so. This penny pinching will mean that some of them will no longer be able to work as the support they need has been withdrawn.


A lot of the rest would have been in institutions in the past, but they were closed to make way for 'care in the community.' They are now withdrawing that 'care' so people can no longer live independently. But what are they supposed to do now?


and those who dont want work are proud of it too my opinion there should be a sliding scale because the problem is labour introduced the scheme you have to train or lose your benefit and many cant be bothered to actually work so why should us taxpayers pay for them ? drinking drugs etc

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And here's me thinking that Labour MPs were amongst those involved in the expenses scandal... Here's a genuine question..how much tax did Google,Amazon and the like pay when Labour were in power?


Indeed, and here's me thinking that the so-called Google tax was brought in by the Conservative led coalition in the last budget. Labour clearly didn't deem it necessary in their 13 years. Too busy running up a deficit with an exponentially increasing welfare state.

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Well my post created more a of stir than I thought it would


I know my reasons for putting it up in the first place


I won't get into arguments of what the protest is all about, everyone is entitled to their opinion


Just don't think you're representing the majority when you're protesting. As you can see from this thread, even in Sheffield you don't have too much support. The Tories won the election for a reason. Get over it.

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