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Advice on mobile Wi-Fi devices.


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Me and the girlfriend booked a holiday cottage in (near) Caernarfon (Carmarthen) recently for August, which, although pretty idyllic, has no form of Wi-Fi.

Although being able to access the internet is pretty low on our list of things that necessitate a good holiday, being able to Google stuff like places of interest around us would be pretty useful (already fully aware of Pendine Sands and 'Babs', but don't tell my GF!). Email would be useful too.


I've become aware of Mobile Wi-Fi devices that create Wi-Fi hot spots wherever you take them, and this is where I was requiring some advice.

I'm looking at the Huawei range, but am confused, mainly because of price differentials. I don't understand why the E5330 which gets good write-ups is only £33 ish, whilst the top of their range seems to be around £200.

I don't want to spend a fortune on something that'll not be used a fat lot, but, at the same time, neither do I want something that's rubbish.


Would the E5330 suit our needs? (two Kindle Fires and a laptop).

Also, would the EE 4G 6GB pay as you go mobile broadband combi sim be the right SIM to go with it?


Advice on this matter would be much appreciated as I know little/nothing about such. Ta. :)

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Do you have a mobile phone now? if so, what phone is it? and does it have a data plan?


Most phones now, will allow you to set up a hotspot, and connect other devices to it....


(Though some companies restrict it)

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Do you have a mobile phone now? if so, what phone is it? and does it have a data plan?


Most phones now, will allow you to set up a hotspot, and connect other devices to it....


(Though some companies restrict it)


Yeah, I've got a Sony Xperia Z3 at the mo, which, through O2, comes with some sort of data plan, although I've never paid any attention to it.

I wasn't aware I could use it as a Wi-Fi hot spot, although thinking about it, I've seen that Mike Brewer on Wheeler Dealers using a laptop connected to his mobile ... I wondered what that was all about.

Would it mean that I can only use O2 though? The Huawei can use any network? :huh:


---------- Post added 21-06-2015 at 19:42 ----------


Why not just use your phone anyway? Forget tethering and mobile hotspots, just search on your handset.


Also, you might buy a mobile wifi device and sim, and then there could be no signal in the place you are anyway - still common in rural areas.


This is why I'm asking for advice ... I know nothing about such things. :)

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You wouldn't use the Huawei , you would only need your Z3 and a Laptop/Tablet


Enable Tethering - and connect the laptop etc via wifi.... and done...


Thanks ... I've just tried what you've suggested but I'm required to type in a password (on Kindle Fire) to enable tethering. I have no idea what this password is. :(

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Thanks ... I've just tried what you've suggested but I'm required to type in a password (on Kindle Fire) to enable tethering. I have no idea what this password is. :(


You enable Tethering on your Z3, you set the password in the settings under tethering..


Then you connect to your Z3 from your Kindle Fire, and put in the password you set....

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Careful Alcoblog


If your plan doesn't include tethering O2 might send you a bill. Also tethering uses up a lot of data so check what your plan allows.


I use a GiffGaff data plan in an old phone that does tethering. The SIM cards are free and the plans are cheap.


If you come unstuck drop me a message and you can borrow mine. It's £7.50 for 1Gb


You wouldn't use the Huawei , you would only need your Z3 and a Laptop/Tablet


Enable Tethering - and connect the laptop etc via wifi.... and done...

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Yeah, I've got a Sony Xperia Z3 at the mo, which, through O2, comes with some sort of data plan, although I've never paid any attention to it.

I wasn't aware I could use it as a Wi-Fi hot spot, although thinking about it, I've seen that Mike Brewer on Wheeler Dealers using a laptop connected to his mobile ... I wondered what that was all about.

Would it mean that I can only use O2 though? The Huawei can use any network? :huh:


---------- Post added 21-06-2015 at 19:42 ----------



This is why I'm asking for advice ... I know nothing about such things. :)


Well if I were you I would just use the Internet on the phone.


No need to use tethering or a mobile hotspot when you've got a massive screened phone

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