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Very slow broadband

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First of all put your phone number in here - https://www.btwholesale.com/includes/adsl/main.html


You'll be given something like this - http://i.imgur.com/mcEahZe.png


Check the expected speed for your product (likely one of of the ADSL products)


Go to https://www.speedtest.net and run a speedtest, if your speeds are roughly what the BT checker estimates then unfortunately that's your lot (unless there is FTTC or Virgin Media cable in your area).


If the speedtest shows considerably lower than BT's estimate then visit the following link to follow Sky's troubleshooting guide - http://broadband.diagnostics.sky.com/

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Also - if it's a new connection (you just moved?) it can take up to 14 days to fully stabilize and train...


According to BTs guidance it should be stable after 24 hours max, with potential for speed fluctuations for a few days after that while it tweaks the line settings.


If it continues stalling after that, I would be concerned something is wrong.


On the other hand, Sky's own guidance suggests it should be stable from day one as they put on conservative settings to start with and then try for faster over then next ten days. So either way, I'm not sure it should be stalling.

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According to BTs guidance it should be stable after 24 hours max, with potential for speed fluctuations for a few days after that while it tweaks the line settings.


If it continues stalling after that, I would be concerned something is wrong.


On the other hand, Sky's own guidance suggests it should be stable from day one as they put on conservative settings to start with and then try for faster over then next ten days. So either way, I'm not sure it should be stalling.


Yeah, try and speed it up over 10 days - it'll speed up to unstable, then drop out and end up low again for a few days, while it speeds up again - till it finds the max speed....

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Flipping heck, I have problems using the settings on my straighteners, I'm completely lost now.

Last night it kept going off or freezing all night, time to get Sky in me thinks


Did you check what speed you are estimated to get?


What speed are you getting?

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Flipping heck, I have problems using the settings on my straighteners, I'm completely lost now.

Last night it kept going off or freezing all night, time to get Sky in me thinks


In answer to your OP, Call Sky, they are usually very good..... Better sporting the problem than going else where, as if its a line problem, you'll have the same problem no matter who you chooe....

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