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Is your cat missing?


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Ive just been out in the car and as i was driving down Leighton road what i thought was a wild animal ran out and got hit. It was too dangerous to slam the brakes on so i had to hit it and hope for the best but sadly i killed it. It was from what i can tell a domestic cat, Ginger and possibly white with a red collar but no tag i could see. I removed it from the road which wasnt a nice task and im just back home fetching a spade so i can at least bury the thing so no kids walk past it and get the shock of their lives.

PM me if you want more precise location details or want to know anything else.

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Thanks guys. I appreciate that. Well ive gone back and buried the cat and marked the grave so i wont forget where it is. I dug at least 2ft so i dont think any wild animals will get to it and ive also bagged up the poor cat (felt horrible doing that, seemed so disrespectful) so if someone goes quick enough it can still be re-buried. I will warn any potential owner though even though he or she is in a thick plastic bag it still isnt pretty and could cause someone some serious upset.

With that in mind i would be more than happy to dig up the cat and re-bury him or her in the owners garden.

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Thanks guys. I appreciate that. Well ive gone back and buried the cat and marked the grave so i wont forget where it is. I dug at least 2ft so i dont think any wild animals will get to it and ive also bagged up the poor cat (felt horrible doing that, seemed so disrespectful) so if someone goes quick enough it can still be re-buried. I will warn any potential owner though even though he or she is in a thick plastic bag it still isnt pretty and could cause someone some serious upset.

With that in mind i would be more than happy to dig up the cat and re-bury him or her in the owners garden.


What a thoughtful, responsible and compassionate person you are.

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Poor cat. At least it was quick. And poor you, having it run under your wheels like that. I know I'd be really upset.

I suggest that a good way of notifying the owners would be to put up a couple of posters with a description near where it happened. There are probably several people who live near the owners who will know the cat, and one of them is likely to read it. Perhaps set up a special email address for the purpose and route messages to your real one.

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Ive just been out in the car and as i was driving down Leighton road what i thought was a wild animal ran out and got hit. It was too dangerous to slam the brakes on so i had to hit it and hope for the best but sadly i killed it. It was from what i can tell a domestic cat, Ginger and possibly white with a red collar but no tag i could see. I removed it from the road which wasnt a nice task and im just back home fetching a spade so i can at least bury the thing so no kids walk past it and get the shock of their lives.

PM me if you want more precise location details or want to know anything else.


sorry but it the cat should be taken to vets for scanning !! I understand what you did was good but this is why people have their animals micro chipped

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sorry but it the cat should be taken to vets for scanning !! I understand what you did was good but this is why people have their animals micro chipped


Hi is there no way that you could re dig up the cat and get to a vet so it can be checked for a chip? I do appreciate you did the best for the cat but if it's chipped the owners could be told xx


I get your point and normally the vet would have been first port of call. However, to be blunt there wasnt much left. I wont go into details but most of the cat was embedded in my tyre and some more of the poor thing got flung up into the wheel arch. It was really difficult to remove and It was a real mess which is why i offered to re-bury the cat. If anyone thinks a vet could scan it even considering the mess ill go get it now and take it the nearest vet,

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