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Selective licence in areas in and around surrounding areas

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Sheffield ' s selective licensing how far has it got has anyone got an idea??

A landlord rang the Private housing standards today and made a complaint regarding Popple Street in the page hall area the anti social behaviour on the lower part of the road I couldn't believe it when the department turned around and said tell the police, correct me if I'm wrong but the whole point for this license was to sort the anti social behaviour problem in the area

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yes that was the point but we don't seem to be getting any where as it is so do as your told and call the police ,and keep calling them until something stops.anti socialbehavior is the blight of all this area ,this street never had these problems until this last 5 years .so if calling the police means getting it stopped go with it .and good luck with that .we in the area have been trying for years to get things to change all to no avail

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Hi thank you for a reply I think it was never about helping the area it was always about trying to get the landlords to pay for the errors the council's have made or should I say the goverment don't you think it would have been better if the council charged money for a service that cleaned the area and made programmes that would benefit the local people and educate the new Eastern European people who have come over or even get an organisation who would be able to tackle day to day issues in the area. Rather than policing the area for a short period.

I also think the council should have involved the local residents in opinions, and got the local people who would have a better idea on Who and what the problems are and take appropriate actions on the people who are or were causing the issues.

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It was to improve the sub standard properties that where being rented to private tenants. Anti social behaviour will only stop if private landlords stop renting their properties out to problem families. The problem is with landlords buying cheap, poor quality properties and renting them to anyone for the sake of profit. Most of these landlords don't even live in sheffield so don't care about any anti social behaviour their tenants cause.


Private Housing Standards deal with property issues. Not people issues.

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It was to improve the sub standard properties that where being rented to private tenants. Anti social behaviour will only stop if private landlords stop renting their properties out to problem families. The problem is with landlords buying cheap, poor quality properties and renting them to anyone for the sake of profit. Most of these landlords don't even live in sheffield so don't care about any anti social behaviour their tenants cause.


Private Housing Standards deal with property issues. Not people issues.


It was bought about due to residents complaining about newly arrived EU immigrants being anti social and overcrowding houses they were renting. The council blamed the landlords and pushed through selective licensing saying it would sort out the issues.

Landlords have applied for licences but the problems remain, yes there were some sub standard houses being rented out but what has that got to do with new arrivals being anti social and causing problems for the long term residents?

I lived there myself for 30 years before moving but my parents and other family members still live there.

The problem is people who have no respect for the area they live in....

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Sheffield ' s selective licensing how far has it got has anyone got an idea??

A landlord rang the Private housing standards today and made a complaint regarding Popple Street in the page hall area the anti social behaviour on the lower part of the road I couldn't believe it when the department turned around and said tell the police, correct me if I'm wrong but the whole point for this license was to sort the anti social behaviour problem in the area


why would you expect the council to deal with anti social behaviour on the street its the job of the police, private housing only deal with issues relating to private rented properties (e.g overcrowding) and then they deal with the landlord it is the landlords responsibility to ensure his tenants behave responsibly.

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why would you expect the council to deal with anti social behaviour on the street its the job of the police, private housing only deal with issues relating to private rented properties (e.g overcrowding) and then they deal with the landlord it is the landlords responsibility to ensure his tenants behave responsibly.


My bold=

No it isn't, landlords provide accommodation and not a behaviour control service...

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Nothing much has changed it is a little quieter, apart from the car revers and cars with music blarring.I bet there is still over crowding. Some landlords must have spent a fortune with the work being done..


---------- Post added 06-05-2015 at 23:27 ----------


Hi thank you for a reply I think it was never about helping the area it was always about trying to get the landlords to pay for the errors the council's have made or should I say the goverment don't you think it would have been better if the council charged money for a service that cleaned the area and made programmes that would benefit the local people and educate the new Eastern European people who have come over or even get an organisation who would be able to tackle day to day issues in the area. Rather than policing the area for a short period.

I also think the council should have involved the local residents in opinions, and got the local people who would have a better idea on Who and what the problems are and take appropriate actions on the people who are or were causing the issues.


Good points pity the council ect didn't listen to long term residents 5 yrs ago.


---------- Post added 06-05-2015 at 23:31 ----------


It was bought about due to residents complaining about newly arrived EU immigrants being anti social and overcrowding houses they were renting. The council blamed the landlords and pushed through selective licensing saying it would sort out the issues.

Landlords have applied for licences but the problems remain, yes there were some sub standard houses being rented out but what has that got to do with new arrivals being anti social and causing problems for the long term residents?

I lived there myself for 30 years before moving but my parents and other family members still live there.

The problem is people who have no respect for the area they live in....


There were also some very nice houses rented out.

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