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Above and Beyond in Sheffield Central?

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What do you guys think about the Above and Beyond chances in Sheffield Central?


Will you be voting for them?


Or do you at least respect their attempts to engage disillusioned voters with the system that we have?


voteaboveandbeyond dot org

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Thought you was on about the band Above & Beyond then. Was getting quite excited


I thought more of Toy Story. However on a serious note nope I wont be voting for them. Good luck to them though I however will be voting Labour.

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They are quite new:




Sheffield Central is one of their "target seats" :roll:


People can laugh but hats off to them for trying. There are many people out there who think. All politicians are the same there is no one to vote for yet dont try themselves to change things. At least these people are giving it a go.


I wont vote for them as prefer Labour but wish them all the best.

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They're doing it wrong. If they want their measure passed into law they should be working with third parties (SNP, Green, Lib Dems) to get it on the agenda. There are plenty of protest votes available in Sheffield Central.

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The whole idea of a "none of the above" option on a voting paper is ridiculous. What happens if that option "wins" in an election? Run the whole thing again at considerable expense? Aye, great idea (!)

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