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Who are the thugs at Herdings?

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One idea that the Tram Drivers have is to stop the tram at Leighton Road stop, however the pepole upstairs at Supertram do not want this as it will lose fare paying passengers:rant:


I can understand this as a lot of people do get off at Herdings Park. Certainly it takes me 10 minutes to walk to Herdings Park stop already, so if it terminated at Leighton Road instead I would have to stop getting it (along with the other 20-odd people who regularly get on/off the tram at Herdings Park). Though I admit I never get the tram back late at night, I'll always get the bus as it goes closer to my house.

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I know from talking to the lads on route 47/48 that Herdings terminus has been a problem for sometime and that when the drivers heard that the tram was going to stop there they were suprised, a good idea would be to exstend the line passed Norton to either Meadowhead or Graves Park:D

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Guest unners

Could the police travel on the Trams/Buses when there are known problems going on,on a nightly basis like with Birley Moor road/Occupation lane as reported in last weeks papers. But thats to simple i suppose.:loopy:

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Yes, the tram could have run down to Norton easily (see separate thread on ideas for new tram routes).


The police certainly travel on some late night train services (for instance I have been on the last train from Leeds to Sheffield and there were two policemen patrolling the train), but I don't know whether that's because they're British Transport Police rather than an ordinary police force. They possibly wouldn't even need to be on the tram. If only they could have a policeman on the beat in the Herdings area, who passed by the tram stop at regular intervals then that might be enough to put some of these thugs off.

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a friends son was badly beaten up in herdings park on saturday evening. smashed in the face with his skateboard etc. the police said.... we are doing what we can .. What exactly? his mum drove past the park on monday and the thugs were there so she phoned the police from a mobile.. sorry we can't come now (must be teatime) but thanks for letting us know.


don't it just fill you with confidence

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The kids at herdings have smashed a tram drivers jaw the other day. They were surfing on the bumper of a tram, the tram driver got out to tell them to get off before they got killed. They then got threatening and another tram driver who was coming into herdings got out to assist and was thumped as soon as he got out of his cab, his jaw shattered and he had to have a plate in his jaw.

Should have smashed the little bas***ds over the head with the points bar.

Is This him?? :o

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Me & my sis was assaulted a few weeks ago, my sis was kicked & thrown to the floor by lads (hitting a woman eh!!!), i was kicked in the head repeatedly by a gang of at least 8 of them & lost conciousness.

After that happened they have doubled & tripled in size & continue to hang around smashing bus shelters up & phone boxes, i saw one hanging around with a hammer in his hand the other day.

Last Friday they was up again & beat up another guy, they're only 13 to 15+.

Police are NOT doing a thing, i'm trying to get hold of the PC that interviewed me (which is proving difficult) to tell him it's still going on & that something needs to be done before someone gets very seriously hurt or God forbid even killed.

Reading this post proves that it's happening alot in different places, seems to be escalating & spreading like locusts.

Don't confront these idiots cos they won't even think about throwing something at you or jumping on you in their herds, try & stay away.

Seems like the Police hand out leaflets to these young thugs advertising places to go with a free voucher included for booze, yes they don't seem to bother about them drinking booze under the LEGAL age limit either, when the Police have been around & moved them on, they've still got their carrier bags full of booze.

Isn't the law wonderful ?????

We can't do anything as we will get prosecuted, THE THUGS WIN !!!!!

Stay safe people, if you can that is.

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