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Smiling in pubs - what is the correct method?

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Bit of a weird situation I’ve found myself in here. Where to begin? Right OK what’s happened is this. I often go to a pub in town which is called Old Monk Pub. Pretty standard kind of pub and very good to watch soccer due to the big screens being there and also loads of smaller screens around the venue. Anyway there is a girl who I liked who is there sometimes quite a bit too so I thought why not eh? I know you’ve got to take these things slow so thought I’d make a good move on her. Trouble is I was at the bar and I turned round and she was right there. I was not expecting that!!! Basically my plans ‘went to the pot’ and I ended up doing a funny little half smile but half ‘gone out’ look. Great start!

Things got a bit odder when about half and hour later I thought I saw he near a pillar so I thought it was my chance to solve it. I swung round the pillar from one side the the other and did a real smile and said “Hi there!”. I’d drank a bit by then (Chelsea match you see) and it was the wrong girl!

People say smiling is good but how can that be true after what I’ve just done this last weekend?!! Also, what now?

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  • 5 months later...

Bit of a weird situation I’ve found myself in here. Where to begin? Right OK what’s happened is this. I often go to a pub near my home. Pretty standard kind of pub and very good to watch soccer due to the big screens being there. Anyway there is a girl who I liked who is there sometimes quite a bit too so I thought why not eh? I know you’ve got to take these things slow so thought I’d make a good move on her. Trouble is I was at the bar and I turned round and she was right there. I was not expecting that!!! Basically my plans ‘went to the pot’ and I ended up doing a funny little half smile but half ‘gone out’ look. Great start!

Things got a bit odder when about half and hour later I thought I saw her near a pillar so I thought it was my chance to solve it. I swung round the pillar from one side to the other and did a real smile and said “Hi there!”. I’d drank a bit by then (Liverpool match you see) and it was the wrong girl!

People say smiling is good but how can that be true after what I’ve just done this last weekend?!! Also, what now?

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I think it depends where you are. Certainly dont catch many people smiling in pubs like; Fat Cat etc. You have to really be sure youve got the right target before you do a smile. Smiling in the wrong direction can get you in a lot of trouble in Sheffield. If you smile at a mans lass then some would say "you could be in for an early night" etc.


I would still say that smiling is good but just be carefull where you smile :-)

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