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Manor Castle Village _ Manor Lane

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My grandmother (by adoption) was born in 1865 supposedly in the castle/farm or in the vicinity as her mother was in service. My grandmother died in 1951, I can still vaguely remember her and, there is none of her family left.

Can anyone tell me what was in the Manor Castle area in 1865 or thereabouts please?

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The ruins were part of the original village and by all accounts they were demolished by the council with the intention of straightening the road and getting rid of the bad bend. There were two rows of cottages (so I have been told) one row on Manor Lane with the post office etc. and the others behind them accessed through an 'entry' or 'gap'. Further back were the stone-built cottages that are now ruins.

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Prior to 1865, the area around the manor castle was walled or fenced off and was a woodland and deer park. Much of the land was owned by the Duke of Norfolk, but some was owned by the Earl of Shrewsbury and the 'Talbot' family. There was very little else apart from woodland, fields and the odd farmhouse. Folklore suggests that there was a tunnel that went from Manor Castle direct to the Sheffield Castle (the only known remains of which are situated under the 'Castle Market').

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Thanks for that information shauny1962, very interesting. I often wondered why my grandmother was supposedly born there, I think I'll send for her birth certificate to see what it says for her address, probably nothing like Manor Caslte, you know how family tales get distorted over the years!



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

The viitor manager at the new Discovery Centre at the Manor Lodge has been researching the Manor Castle Village and the families that lived there. There is now a whole section of the displays in the Discovery Centre (which is built on the site of the village itself) devoted to this archive. Anyone wishing to research this further or contribute to the ever growing archive shiould get in touch on 276 2828. There is a specially constructed Community Archive Room in the centre devoted to this.

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  • 5 years later...

Hi Martine, All the people you mention I remember very well,Richard,Russ, Panch and myself used to do the London Road run at the weekends. I've not seen Pauline for a long time, I understand she's not very well these days.Hope you are well.

Edited by jack reacher
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My earliest memory of Manor Castle Village is accompaning my older brother as we walked over the fields from The Manor Estate, it was a sunny Sunday morning I think and we were heading for the sweet shop.

I was about 4 years old and I remember feeling it was a medieval scene, in fact it felt very familiar, odd, I can still recall the feeling.

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