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2015/16 recommended tradesmen MEGATHREAD no advertising/self promotion


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A very high recommendation for Jeff Smith, joiner. He's previously done a lot of work for us, laying new wooden floors, hanging doors and making a new laundry cupboard. He's currently finishing a project laying a new floor which has also involved removing the floorboards and preparing and treating joist which had some dry rot.

His prices are good, all work is finished to a high standard and he's a very pleasant individual to contact and work with.

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I desperately need a window cleaner for my house, based S8 Woodseats. Not seen any window cleaners around the area (probably due to the fact I'm a 9-5 worker) but if anyone has a cleaner who does their house/or knows someone who does windows in this 'patch' then can you please let me know.


Would rather support and independent trader rather then a big commercial company.


Thank you

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A very high recommendation for Jeff Smith, joiner. He's previously done a lot of work for us, laying new wooden floors, hanging doors and making a new laundry cupboard. He's currently finishing a project laying a new floor which has also involved removing the floorboards and preparing and treating joist which had some dry rot.

His prices are good, all work is finished to a high standard and he's a very pleasant individual to contact and work with.


hi pete and rosemary thank you very much ta jeff

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