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Neighbours tree over growing

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Hi hi all, my house and my neighbours are both "bought" houses and not rent or council rent. They have a tree on their garden that is over growing over to my garage roof and is slowly getting bigger and leaning all over my garage roof. It's also blowing it's leaves all over my garden.. My question is can I trim it from my side? I hardly ever speak to them because there never in but it's getting worse... Just want to know if I can get up there from my side and trim it from our side... Thanks

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You can trim it to your boundary line but legally you are supposed to return the branches you chopped off - in other words dump them back over the boundary. In practice they probably won't want that so may be best to just chat to them first.

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What others have said, but best to speak to your neighbour first. Something like ...


"Hi, I'm going to trim the tree over my garage. Just letting you know. Technically I'm supposed to give you the branches back because it's your tree, but I guess you don't really want them so I'll get rid of them if that's okay with you".

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Also consider the proximity of the tree to the foundations. Large trees can cause subsidence. It may be in the interests of you and your neighbour to have it removed if the trunk is too close to the house. Depends on the size and variety of the tree. Also check your buildings insurance - it may specify damage by trees more than x metres tall within y metres of your house is excluded or require you to declare them which could put your premium up.

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Also consider the proximity of the tree to the foundations. Large trees can cause subsidence. It may be in the interests of you and your neighbour to have it removed if the trunk is too close to the house. Depends on the size and variety of the tree. Also check your buildings insurance - it may specify damage by trees more than x metres tall within y metres of your house is excluded or require you to declare them which could put your premium up.

Rule of thumb: assume that a tree's roots (horizontal) are as long as the tree is high (vertical).

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