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Who's your favourite Sheffield Street Urchin Celebrity?


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Yeah, thats the one, he does have a bike.


one night i was with this bloke i kno and he was winding him up in a friendly way. i turned my back to chat to someone and he nearly grabbed my arse (cheeky mare) he wud hav felt a hard punch in his face if he did:hihi:


not that i like to punch homeless people or anything. just to clear that up :)

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Hope they all get AIDs its all the tax avoiding scum deserve..


what a horrible and unnecessary thing to say! (despite some of these people being wastes of space, it is a horrible thing to say)


I have lost a number of dear friends to this disease, and I would not wish it on anyone.




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Does anyone remember the tramp who would come up to you and give you a felt tip pen, then proceed to ask for £1 for it for a made up charity? He must have been from the mid 90's, spent a lot of time on Fargate as I can remember.


At the moment I see a lot of a lone figure walking back and forth along the A57 near Crystal Peaks heading towards Aston. No matter what time of day, he always there shouting at cars.

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does anyone remember cockney john? Possibly early to mid nineties.He was often the cause of a gathering on fargate, seemed quite partial to collapsing outside boots. accompanied by an ambulance, police car or two. Often seen in a state of collapse with technicolour seat area of his jeans. Southern accent(when capable of talking) and a big beard.When he died he got a write up in the star - everyone knew him.


i remember john i used to work in the off licence on king street, apart from being smelly he was a really nice man, and yes very very intelligent...i also went to his funeral!!


Does anyone know booker or gary?

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At the moment I see a lot of a lone figure walking back and forth along the A57 near Crystal Peaks heading towards Aston. No matter what time of day, he always there shouting at cars.


This guy has been the subject of a number of threads on this forum. I use the A57/Moss Way daily and have never seen him do anything but walk at the side of the road with a smile on his face, quite happy in his world.


I thought this thread was about tramps and urchins. The A57 guy is neither :huh:

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I love the dancing man! I always see him on hunters bar roundabout, its the highlight of my day. He has got some crazy moves. Anyone know the drunk man paul who always used to get thrown off busses, saw him again in town yesterday and he told me hed kill me if i didnt give him a fag:loopy:

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come on naps thats a bit of a harsh comment, all i ever see you do is wind people up, u seem like a bit of a controversial p r i c k to me.


I take it your referring to my comment about gays with AIDS. Well it's true that homosexual 'contact' is one of the best ways to get infected with AIDS. Therefor I find my comment perfrctly justified. I'm not trying to ruffle feathers, just sharing my opinion which is what forums are for, or so I thought?

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