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Prostitutes And Drug Dealers 'Add £10 Billion To UK National Wealth'

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Yes and whilst I might disagree with the law, I wouldn't break the law because it would be morally wrong to do so.


Okay, so you're still not answering my question.


You have one person smoking cannabis in the UK, he then goes to Colorado and does the same thing.


Do you find it morally wrong in both places, even though one is legal?

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But plenty of people don't murder or rape anyone on drugs and plenty of people don't kill anyone while speeding so why should I be outraged by that? People commit murder by drowning so should I be morally outraged by water?


You are looking to be offended by extension. Its a ludicrous state of affairs.


---------- Post added 09-04-2014 at 21:33 ----------


Blow their mind. Ask if their morals change when they go on holiday to portugal where all drugs are decriminalised. For those few days do their morals change?


Everyone that is speeding as the potential to kill, speed limits are set for a very good reason, so breaking the speed limit is both morally wrong and against the law. Laws are set by the elected leaders of our society and breaking those laws is morally wrong.

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I really admire these ladies for being so frank and open.


quicknamechange111 Mon 10-Feb-14 11:52:14

I can't believe Amnesty have done this. I was a sex worker, not prostitution but I was on a well known website and would offer services via webcam, telephone, texts. I'd take specific photos for people for money to and text chat. I made OK money from it. I was very young, 18/19 and a lot of men got off on how young I was. Infact, I used to use that as my main description of how young I was. I was a student at the time and had moved out and had next to no money. I cannot even imagine how it feels to sleep with men for money but I felt utterly degraded doing what I did. I guess I will never understand how anyone can enjoy it so it's difficult for me to comment. Some men would insist on cam to cam (so they turned their cam on to) I used to cover the laptop with a tea towel so I couldn't see them. It made me feel sick.


I did it for about a year and I remember feeling very unwanted. I never once felt desired by these men. It made me feel like a sex object and nothing more. I went on to have some really severe self esteem issues. I ended up having lots of one night stands on nights out in an attempt to make me feel "wanted" It never worked. I just felt used and even worse. I don't know whether me doing these things has been linked to my self esteem but it took me years to realize that no matter how many men "wanted" me it was never going to make me feel any better. These sort of men will ---- anyone, the way you look, the way you are doesn't come into it. I also did it to gain some "control" over my life but it never made it any better.


I was never raped as a child or anything but I did have some bad experiences. I had men grab at me and one force me against a wall touching me at 14 and I never said anything but looking back I know it was wrong.


This thread has really upset me and I really admire all the posts from Numpty she speaks a lot of sense and knows what she is talking about.



In Confucianism:

Mind = Heart = Body = Moral Values.


Don't tell me that just because some people "say" things on the internet automatically means that the action that they lead in their own life makes them moral. Don't say that just because others say that they are moral, that they are moral. It needs to be backed up by actions too.


If you are out of sync in what you say and what you do, and your intention is not what it is achieving, then what are you doing ?


Even the girl above cannot handle what she did. She felt physically sick, but she did not tell anybody. She pushed herself to do something which she did not wanted to do. That is making her out of sync with herself physically and spiritually. Then this pushed her hedonism to a large extent and that made her life what it was until she came to the realisation of the original trigger. She still has to live with this in her life. It does not go away.

Edited by salsafan
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Yes, I was asked for my opinion, don't you think its wrong to break the law?
Depends on the law. Thats not the point here. The point is you don't set the barometer for the nations morality

“I hate a good many things, but I suffer them all the same.”


Stannis Baratheon

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So why are you using the word "wrong" why not just immoral in both instances?

If it is immoral to break the law then by definition law breaking is immoral..yes?


Laws do not define your morality. If a child is bleeding to death on the floor of a supermarket because of a fall and my reaction is to use a roll of tissue at hand to stem the flow without asking or even consider paying, am I morally bankrupt?


Because Immoral means not conforming to accepted standards of morality and morality is concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behaviour:


No would conciser breaking the law to be right or good behavour, therefor it is immoral to break the law, even if you disagree with the law.

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Everyone that is speeding as the potential to kill, speed limits are set for a very good reason, so breaking the speed limit is both morally wrong and against the law. Laws are set by the elected leaders of our society and breaking those laws is morally wrong.
Morals don't come into it. Its not offensive to break the speed limit in itself, the results of what might happen as the result of an accident might be but driving at 35 in a 30 zone isn't morally offensive. Its illegal but it isn't morally wrong

“I hate a good many things, but I suffer them all the same.”


Stannis Baratheon

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Really? No doubt the reason the Nazis were able to perpetrate what they did, was because of people thinking like this.


So you think the Nazis did what they did because some people didn't break the law?


---------- Post added 09-04-2014 at 21:54 ----------


Okay, so you're still not answering my question.


You have one person smoking cannabis in the UK, he then goes to Colorado and does the same thing.


Do you find it morally wrong in both places, even though one is legal?


One isn't breaking the laws set by the society in which he is living the other one is, I haven't claimed that smoking cannabis is morally wrong, I have claimed that breaking the law is morally wrong.

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So you think the Nazis did what they did because some people didn't break the law?


You could kick to death a Jew and not be held to account legally.


Morally right? or morally wrong?


Edit: The nazi state may have held you accountable but only on the grounds you removed the right of the state to kick the Jew to death..:roll:

Edited by ronthenekred
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