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About turtles

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  • Birthday 19/07/1985

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  1. That pretty much sums you up, a surname is now evidence of your ethnic background. Brilliant.
  2. My uncle supports them, because apparently they fight religious extremism. Not realising they are a religious group (christian), and do what many would consider extremist activities.
  3. So we agree, you should be working harder, presuming you have a job?
  4. So are you, should we get rid of everyone who contributes less to the economy?
  5. Why does it matter to the average bloke? I'm genuinely intrigued why immigration worries so many. I've worked in different sectors, lived in different areas, socialised with many people, and I've yet to feel any ill effect from our current immigration policy.
  6. Do you think stopping immigration will get rid of our debts?
  7. Council, they have a team who can go out and check your reports.
  8. That's rather a mute point, there is always going to be someone in a worse position than you, regardless of how bad you think you have it, so shall no-one ever complain, or worry about what will happen? It's fairly obvious that most people could survive prison, and most do, the question posed was more about the thought behind it, and how you would feel. Again, something you won't be able to explain as unless it's an absolute fact or you have read something on Google, you won't be able to share.
  9. That's not really the point though is it? You're talking about Scotland's independence from the UK, and then mentioning how we are governed by the EU, the same authority you will join if you get independence.
  10. Isn't Scotland really worried that if they do get independence, they will have to wait to join the EU?
  11. You might, resorting to insults as you can't quite communicate what you're actually trying to say properly.
  12. I understand the saying, the way you used it is again, gibberish.
  13. Behind the door? Are you using Google translate?
  14. I've tried to engage you in conversation multiple times, the best you can come up with one sentence replies which are at best, gibberish.
  15. Completely taken out of context. Regards Turtles
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