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Child suffers hole in the head at school.

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I wrote I "play bite" with my nephew, and do you know what this "play bite " means? Do you not even understand why, we, as adults try and communicate with our nephew at this early age on his level ?


Yes, we also do baby talks, and make lower tonal sounds too to encourage him to feel more comfortable, and encourage his empathy skills and develop much earlier. He knows his mood now and can see other people's mood too and be considerate. He can also say "no" astutely when he does not like something.


I'm sorry if what I wrote seemed to have worried you a lot, but rest assured, I did not use my teeth and he was not hurt in any way either. He also did not have any teeth either at that time, and his gum was just irritated. So nobody was harmed in any way. It kind of worries me a little bit to be honest that you thought I would hurt my own family this way deliberately.



Wronger than Big Jock McWrong.


Read the parts I've emboldened. I'll say it again, you have very little idea about child protection and if you think the police or social services would persue this you're extraordinarily naive.

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Read the parts I've emboldened. I'll say it again, you have very little idea about child protection and if you think the police or social services would persue this you're extraordinarily naive.


Youre the naive one taking salsafans backtracking as being fact and not some hurried attempt to cover their arse having dropped themselves in it by admitting abuse.

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Ok then. Thanks for sharing :)


Sorry Leather man but I think you are completely wrong on this one. It's pretty common to play bite kids. You don't use teeth or any pressure and it's on about the same level as tickling. If someone was biting their kids to make a point or to hurt their kid then, yeah I'd be reporting them to social services too, but I honestly think you've got the wrong end of the stick with salsafan here.

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Sorry Leather man but I think you are completely wrong on this one. It's pretty common to play bite kids. You don't use teeth or any pressure and it's on about the same level as tickling. If someone was biting their kids to make a point or to hurt their kid then, yeah I'd be reporting them to social services too, but I honestly think you've got the wrong end of the stick with salsafan here.


I do hope youre right.

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I don't quite know what you are trying to get at here......


Oh come on, its easier than a times table to work that one out. Seriously ?


---------- Post added 27-03-2014 at 07:20 ----------


If that was my daughter and I complained about it and the head teacher just replied with "it was an accident" I would not be happy either.


My children have come out of school on several occasions with as bad as that or worse and non of the staff have even mentioned it, letting us know there has been an accident at all would be a positive thing from our school.


Kids are kids, they get into scrapes, but the very least the school can do is inform you and acknowledge an accident as in this case.


From the looks of this child's injury I don't think it warranted going to the press.


I hope they resolve the issue and the child gets better and over it soon.


---------- Post added 27-03-2014 at 08:06 ----------


Now I have read the entirety of the topic I just wonder why the gran and the mother seem to type as if they are the same person in the mothers last post. :suspect:

The mothers first post is nothing like her last and more like her mum who does not know how to start a new paragraph. (just an observation)


Back to the actual topic though, if the teacher had her back to the child then unless teachers are employed for having an extra set of eyes in the backs of their heads I cannot see what more could have been done.


The child was swinging the chair and is said to have let it go at the child intentionally, well I challenge anyone on here to try and swing a chair 3 times and be able to aim it and hit a target, its not that easy.


If the chair that hit her had a steel leg then it must have had a rubber on the end or it should have been removed from the classroom until it was repaired, I would look into that. If you are hit hard enough with a plastic chair after having it swung around it would have probably knocked the skin back also, which seems to have been what happened here.

Had there been any 'hole' then the child would have has xrays and all sorts of stuff that was not mentioned in the Star, and no doubt it would have been mentioned.


I don't doubt for one moment that the kid who did it will be a handful, and maybe needs keeping an eye on more and correcting, but he is 5yrs old, he is hardly Peter Sutcliffe.

If anything he probably has lazy parents that have little interaction with him, let alone try and teach him right from wrong. He won't even know the implications of his actions and maybe have very few social skills. I see children like that all the time and feel sorry for them because I have always had time for my children and he won't know what he is missing out on.


Best thing to do is have a meeting at the school, get them to bring the lads parents in and try to work between you all how to resolve this. All the publicity and fuss about it is not going to do the injured child any good as kids like to forget about things and get on with their life's.

If you have a meeting you will be able to asses the parents attitude yourself and see if anything else the school can do to help steer this kid down the right path if the parents don't give a hoot or are themselves lacking in some way.


Anyhow good luck to the child and hope she gets well soon.

Edited by Mr Clowning
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I think Mr Clowning has got it spot on in his post.


A few years ago my son, who was 6 at the time, began coming home from school covered in scratch marks. I asked him about this and was told the marks had been made by another boy in his class.

Over the following few days the marks worsened and the child was drawing blood, the marks were across my sons eye, marks around my sons neck etc


I was asked by the class teacher to go in to speak to them about the issue with this other child, I was assured they were keeping an eye on him and keeping him away from my son.

A few days later my son came out of school with his front tooth missing and pretty upset. He explained to me that after playtime the class were asked to line up, the boy had stood beside my son, leaned round and punched him in the mouth knocking his front tooth out.

I had a meeting with the teacher which I felt did not resolve the issue, I then met with the head teacher who assured me they were in communication with the boys parents.

I allowed the school to deal with it how they saw fit, at no point did I ever consider contacting the star. The boys parents have the attitude that it's schools responsibility to teach their child right from wrong, he does have behavioural issues which were not being addressed at the time but now are. 4 years on and both kids are in the same class again, you would not know there had ever been any trouble, kids get over it and rarely hold grudges.


There are official channels to follow in order to make a complaint, the child involved in swinging the chair may need extra attention at school not labelling as a potential danger to society. Work with the school not against them.

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Youre the naive one taking salsafans backtracking as being fact and not some hurried attempt to cover their arse having dropped themselves in it by admitting abuse.


If you have any evidences on that side of things, then go ahead and report me. I realised how harassing and intimidating you are, and actually twisting a scenario that I shared publically as a way to reduce the antagonism that you dug up publically to then actually intimidate me back this way personally.




No wonder I know that women now huddle together it is because of men like you!


I expect nothing less from people in this city, cos I already know that a lot of people backstab this way rather than to stand up and chat honestly and openly. You do not scare ME.


People like you, break families apart, and scare young moms.


It is people like you who drag this up and blown it up publically and now the mom and the mother is here and stating their own actual side of the story, and you have not even an ounce of shame for perpetuating this at all, and now you wanted to displace your own anger onto innocent parties like myself ? Despicable. Shame on you.

Edited by salsafan
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