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Sheffield Exodus - Young people leave in significant numbers.


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op, im a 25 year old living in sheffield, i have had no problem finding employment since i was 16 neither have my friends. i also dont intend to move out of sheffield any time in my life and neither do my friends.


where did you get your 'data' from a kinder egg?


edit: how can anyone enjoy a quality of life with no job? ive never been on the dole but from what im told they dont give you enough money to live a poor life nevermind a confortable one

Edited by rawsonator
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What are you babbling about? You appear to be contradicting yourself. How on earth can you find fault with me saying you need a job/ income to enjoy quality of life in Sheffield? This is in the context of what the thread is about i.e young people moving because they cant find employment and moving elsewhere.

A quality of life means that a person can have a job, does not have financial worries, can live healthily, can have friends, and can afford to have a family as well. The fact that you said that I am contradicting makes me think what kind of values do you hold that conflicts with what I hold too ?

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I enjoy living in Sheffield very much but there is no doubt that lack of employment is a problem for our young people When we lose our brightest youngsters we lose our dynamism and possibility for change. Sadly it seems there is no national, regional or local strategy to bring jobs to Sheffield. I wonder if this is Westminster adopting a policy of 'managed decline' for much of the North.

The pdf which Frank posted above was done by Sheffield First, which is more of a government initiative. It really is more of a political move.


I posted a link here showing a sociology report of Sheffield, its history and commerce in clarity.





Considering this is another local political thread. I leave it at that point. The LSE report see Sheffield from an impartial angle on the city itself in comparison to the rest of the country. Not the internal promotion of the city, like the Sheffield First report itself. Motivation of the people and of the youngster is indeed true and necessary, but injection and incubation of jobs need to occur too. When I read that report, it shows what the youngsters feel for the city and not what opportunities they have been given, and why they like it here. It is all about their "opinions" and "how safe" the city is. But in reality, to ensure children and youngsters survive, we need to teach them survival skills, and that really is down to the parents, not the government's responsibility. Nor should they really introduce and spend money in this regard, even as Labour-orientated as it sounds to make the city a safe and friendly one with lack of prospects.


What I do not understand is why there are no incubation of start-ups in this city, which should and will ensure its future. No business, no jobs, no people here. It is that simple.


A town like Cambridge has incubated itself correctly, and that was done 10 years ago. It lost the IT wave, got caught on the pharma wave, and it is now resynchronising and pushing forward on the biotech wave. The people stayed. The skills stayed. The backing and the university synchronised. Start-ups happened, off the back off intellectual and their reputation to push forward the companies. Investments came about because it had the backing of the university's reputation and its intellectual probably. Along with tying down the skills, knowledge and workers by issuing of company shares, so that each individual had a part in growing the company. In doing so, it grew the company with its directors, and its shareholders inside the company, which ensured the longevity of its growth and employment opportunities. People complain about the fault of the government, but do they know how things happened and watched all angles in alignment of itself for other cities ? Even Ryanair then saw an opportunity to then build up its network to fly European skills and possible business opportunities from the European areas too.


The infrastructures, and the daily necessity aligned itself after there is commerce, and work for people.


The reverse happened for Sheffield. It had companies like British Steel to exist here. It had companies like British Sugar to exist here. When they left, it left the infrastructures but without the businesses, or companies any more. It left with a legacy of negative employees who won't move away and go where those companies exist globally. The infrastructures stayed, but where are the enticing companies wanting the skills of the employees ? We should have retrained a little bit and capitalised and reused our minds in a different wave. When the Silicon Valley crashed, it then had a second wave sweeping through, to utilise Tech with Marketing, and this is booming. For us in Sheffield, we had strength in manufacturing, of knowledge of metallurgy, and so forth, but why didn't anybody utilise this part and extend it forward? Why are we not selling spoons, knifes and forks back to the Chinese and market it as "British Made", online ???

Edited by salsafan
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Shock horror I'm not originally from Sheffield but I moved here because I found a job here, I work in a team of 5 none of us are from Sheffield 1 travels a long distance to work in Sheffield. In these days of heavy investment in transport links and incredibly fast communication infrastructure, it's hardly surprising people move about, by living in different places we gain vital life and work experience which you couldn't if you lived in one place all your life. Young people want to experience the wider world, I'm not sure why you think this is a revelation.

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A quality of life means that a person can have a job, does not have financial worries, can live healthily, can have friends, and can afford to have a family as well. The fact that you said that I am contradicting makes me think what kind of values do you hold that conflicts with what I hold too ?


Again what are you babbling about?


The thread is about young people leaving Sheffield because they need to find a a job.


I was saying you have the opportunity for a good quality of life in Sheffield, but you really need a job. You dont need to earn a high salary beceause a modest wage can go a lot further in Sheffield than elsewhere. Without a job, then its very difficult for a young person to have a decent quality of life, hence they move.


Earning £30,000 in Sheffield will go as far as £50-60,000 in London. Its possible to buy a house and raise a family in Sheffield whereas you need to be earning a very high salary in London to have a semi, with a garden etc.


I can't for the life of me think why you find that difficult to comprehend or why you have picked it out, as it seems pretty uncontroversial. You seem to be trying to disagree with me, having a go at my supposed values and then providing evidence that agree with what I said. Im unaware I expressed any values other than I think you need a job and an income.


Is English your first language?


---------- Post added 28-02-2014 at 20:32 ----------


As for it being a political thread, then no I don't believe it was. It was about people leaving sheffield because of the lack of jobs and prospects. If anything the thread spam started off this morning was just as much about the OP taking a narrow and negative view of Sheffield, quoting some stats from the report, which didnt really support what he was saying. The OP gave no indication of understanding the wider matters.


Please feel free salsafan on telling me what my values are.

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Reading some of the posts on this forum I really can't think what that "something" is...





---------- Post added 28-02-2014 at 20:48 ----------



Is English your first language? ...

Do you mind me asking just how old you are ?


Actually the housing is pretty good. Try try London and see how great it isnt.


Sheffield offers plenty to people including quality of life, but you need a job. Unfortunately the brain drain has always happened because it is not economically successful any more.


According to the UN, the definition of Quality of Life is:


Quality of life is the notion of human welfare (well-being) measured by social indicators rather than by “quantitative” measures of income and production.



What does Sheffield offer for others, if there are no jobs ? Shouldn't a job be a part of that quality of life's equation ? (e.g. JOB + Family + Friends = quality of life) If you do not have a job, then how do you get other things like healthcare, or money to go out to see friends and socialise ? If your friend lost their job and you can no longer see them, won't that upset you somewhat ?


I just took that you do not value these things:

A quality of life means that a person can have a job, does not have financial worries, can live healthily, can have friends, and can afford to have a family as well.


Cos you questioned it. I thought that everybody knows what they want. Or maybe I overlooked this aspect, especially if you are fairly young and is still kind of finding your feet in life. Hence you never truly thought about what it means to do without and whether having friends and families are indeed important to your emotional well-being too.

Edited by salsafan
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1. Over 30 professional / post grad.


2. If you have a job, then you enjoy a much better quality of life than if you do not. This is because it gives you an income and you can use that on all the other areas such as housing, education, family , social life etc. Point out where I have said anything contrary to that?


3. I have never said anything contrary to this, it’s just you who seem to mystifyingly want to make an issue of it. I have even clarified it for you, but the penny doesn’t drop.


4. The whole point of the thread was about the issue of people moving away because they did not have a job. There are fewer jobs in Sheffield because the city is not prosperous and is unable to offer the opportunities the South can. Not having a job hampers you from enjoying a quality of life, even though it isnt all about money.


5. In addition I stated that you needed to earn much less in Sheffield than elsewhere to enjoy a similar or superior quality of life because housing is cheap. I do not understand how anyone can find issue with that because it is true.


6. I made no comment on values. You somehow seem to think I did. The confusion was all yours. Hence a genuine wonder whether English was your first language because I find it mystifying how you could get so confused.

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1. Over 30 professional / post grad.

Just curiosity on my part, cos I am wondering why you do not respect others.


2. If you have a job, then you enjoy a much better quality of life than if you do not. This is because it gives you an income and you can use that on all the other areas such as housing, education, family , social life etc. Point out where I have said anything contrary to that?

You wrote and I quote "Actually the housing is pretty good. Try try London and see how great it isnt.


Sheffield offers plenty to people including quality of life, but you need a job. Unfortunately the brain drain has always happened because it is not economically successful any more."


I challenged that notion that Sheffield can offer a quality of life to people, "but you need a job" ? No job, means no life. Isn't that a simple equation to accept ? Maybe you are displacing your own situation onto the report or stats, but the OP is writing about the standard and the social situation of the city. The quality of life for many is low, and this is why they are moving. Quality of life means a job too, you know.


Did you read my comment to Anna about the city being a "party town" ?


3. I have never said anything contrary to this, it’s just you who seem to mystifyingly want to make an issue of it. I have even clarified it for you, but the penny doesn’t drop.


4. The whole point of the thread was about the issue of people moving away because they did not have a job. There are fewer jobs in Sheffield because the city is not prosperous and is unable to offer the opportunities the South can. Not having a job hampers you from enjoying a quality of life, even though it isnt all about money.


5. In addition I stated that you needed to earn much less in Sheffield than elsewhere to enjoy a similar or superior quality of life because housing is cheap. I do not understand how anyone can find issue with that because it is true.


6. I made no comment on values. You somehow seem to think I did. The confusion was all yours. Hence a genuine wonder whether English was your first language because I find it mystifying how you could get so confused.


You know, the OP is talking about the social stats of this city, and you are talking about your own experience in this city in comparison to the stats and stating that this is not true. How idiotic.


English is not my first language. It is my second language. I was educated in Sheffield, then onto Manchester, came back home, found that there are no jobs here, and then I left.


The fact that you are rude to me, and assumed that this is a language problem on my part to understand your meaning, rather than you reading what others are writing about and accepting and acknowledging their perspective makes me think that you are either being deliberately obtuse, or being deliberately challenging. Young people are leaving, why ? Don't you question that ? He is questioning the future prospects of this city, rather than stating the facts and studies for the sake of it. Yet you went on about that there is still a quality of life here when the stats show that to be not the case. Unless you think that living in a party town, is your values, and not holding down a family, or is able to afford a family, a home, and all the rest is a "good quality of life". Hence I questioned your values too.


People can afford cheap housing here ? If they stay here, then they cannot leave, cos they cannot afford to leave any time in the far future cos they cannot afford properties elsewhere and then they will be stuck. It is not rocket science.

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