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Calm down, Seriously you are going to kill someone!

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Ive just done the school run for my neighbour, poor love has cancer so everyone is chipping in and doing what we can. Anyway i dropped off child A and was taking child B to their school. I was sat at a set of lights at the front when BANG BANG!!! Someone on a push bike collided with my car then had the nerve to have a go at me :loopy: He then went past my car and well past the line for the crossing and then almost into a group of people walking over the crossing. Guess what, he had a got at them too.

You sir are an idiot and you ARE going to kill someone.

Hopefully it will just be yourself and no innocents will be taken out in your quest to show you have an average sized appendage.

Thankfully the intervention of the pcso who was also crossing may have calmed you down enough to no longer be a danger to yourself and every other pedestrian and road user!!!

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I agree. Someone with his attitude has no place driving anything more dangerous than a bicycle.


---------- Post added 08-11-2013 at 09:22 ----------


Its like anything else some cyclists give others a bad name. Some see themselves as planet savers and hate motorists. This reflects badly on the ordinary people who cycle for exercise, convenience or to save time and money.


Why are they always so angry?


Ive honestly no idea, its a mystery to me. Its like some, and i do mean some have this 'hit me if you dare' attitude. The lad i was taking to school mentioned this bloke after the event. He said he sees him most days and he is usually having a go at someone, always shouting and he seems to do his best to hold traffic up. I didnt witness this, the lad told me but he said he also rides down the road in the middle of the lane quite slowly and often has a long line of traffic behind him. Im not saying this is done on purpose as like i say i havent seen him do it but after his behaviour this morning i can well believe it.

Edited by Just Sarah
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I was sat at a set of lights at the front when BANG BANG!!! Someone on a push bike collided with my car...


Just imagine the damage he would have done if he was drunk and behind the wheel of a car, and be grateful he was only on a bike


Oh yes, and my deepest sympathy to all those affected :roll:

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Some cyclists behave badly, some motorists behave badly. We'd all be safer if they were removed from the roads.


Where is this btw? If he behaves like this often then other posters will have seen it as well.


Hes a regular on the road that goes by the front of Springs academy. Hes a fat man with a full face beard. No lights, not always hi vis im told but in fairness to him he was today.


---------- Post added 08-11-2013 at 14:37 ----------


Just imagine the damage he would have done if he was drunk and behind the wheel of a car, and be grateful he was only on a bike


Oh yes, and my deepest sympathy to all those affected :roll:


Ahhh, you so bitter:hihi:

Perhaps its all the money you have to shell out when women find what a misogynist you are or is it that you just cat 'rise to he occasion' that makes your money they only attractive thing about you.


---------- Post added 08-11-2013 at 14:38 ----------


She also mentions cancer,I wonder if anyone has died from that in the recent past.


Did you think of that by your self or did you get your appropriate adult to help?

Edited by Just Sarah
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