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I thought my friends were fibbing until now

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I wouldn't know what to say to be racist to a Jew?




"Abbie", "Abe", and "Abie":

(North America) a Jewish male. From the proper name Abraham. Originated before the 1950s.


"Heeb", "Hebe":

(U.S.) offensive term for a Jew, derived from the word "Hebrew".



A Jew, from the Hebrew Chaim ("life"). Also used in the term "Hymie-town," a reference to New York, and in particular, Brooklyn.



"ike", "iky": a Jew [from Isaac][64]



"ikeymo": a Jew [from Isaac and Moses][65]



Yiddish word for "circle"—Illiterate Jews who entered the United States at Ellis Island signed their names with a circle instead of a cross because they associated the cross with Christianity.


"Mocky", "moky", "moxy", "mockey", "mockie", "mocky":

A Jew [first used in the 1930s]


"Mock", "moch": (U.S.) a Jew [first used in the 1960s as an abbreviated form of mocky (q.v.)]




From Yiddish "shaine" or German "schön" meaning "beautiful."



Comes from Shakespeare's play "Merchant of Venice".

"Yid": Yiddish word for Jew.


Then theres German Candle, Big nose, Jesus killer, theres loads and loads.

More than you think.

Have a look here :(


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Embolden part.

Ignorance plain and simple. My ignorance that is. Because i haven't really suffered it since my school days i rather stupidly assumed Anti-Semitic racism in Sheffield was all but gone. My friend are my friends and i love them but as we all do they do have faults. One of the faults one of my friends has is a slight tendency to exaggerate. Not outright lie but if he was a fisherman he would be one of those who wrestled a shark to the deck of the boat rather than a tiddler. Hes a lovely man and very decent but i think he may have insecurities hence his slight tendency to exaggerate so on the occasions he says hes been racially abused ive never really accepted it was as bad as he says it was. Obviously now i have reevaluated my position and told him what happened and also my feeling when he told me it happened to him. I then apologised for doubting him for which he accepted with no damage to our friendship. :)

I did however make it clear i still don't believe most of his fishing stories :hihi:

You haven't made it clear how the woman knew you were Jewish, such as whether you were recognised by something you wore on your head, or some distinctive facial feature.;)


I was being flippant, but don't imagine I'm making light of the seriousness of the incident.

Take note of what has been suggested about informing someone even if only to raise awareness.

Since reading the thread I have done a little search.


There isn't a lot of detail given but sadly enough to reveal that alarming anti-Semitic crimes have occurred in London and Manchester recently.


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You should have reported this to the police.


The more people like you who just sweep it under the rug, the more people are affected in the future.


She'll probably go around saying horrendous things to other people now because she thinks she can get away with it.


You should have nipped it in the bud there and then.


And for the record, mental illness is not a free pass to give you the right to be racist to people in the street. You treat all racists the same then let the judge decide whether mental illness had anything to do with it.


I can't believe my eyes some of the things I read on here, like the thread about the guy who was going around touching women on public transport and there were people like "Oh yeah leave him alone he might have a mental issue".


I can't understand the mentality of some of the idiots on this forum.

So who is the mental one :loopy::loopy:????

What exactly would the police do about a grown man who has been shouted at,do you not think the police have better things to do than **** about looking for someone who has shouted at someone else:loopy::huh:

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I have a couple of friends who have over the years complained to me and others in our group about racism. I have always taken most of what they say with a pinch of salt, not saying they are lying but ive always thought they may be embellishing things a little. Until yesterday at the supermarket.

I parked the car and i was taking the nephews for some shopping and i accidentally bumped into a women. In fairness she was not looking where she was going, instead looking behind her shouting something at one of the kids she had with her but me being me i said 'sorry' with a smile and then carried on walking into the shop with the boys.

Well. I was not prepared for her reply. She screamed at me, actually screamed at me that i hit her on purpose. I obviously denied this as it isnt true but she was on one so i tried to walk away.

She followed me shouting horrible names i dont want to repeat, but lets just say im obviously Jewish so if you could use your imagination it would save me repeating the nasty names she called me and the boys.

Then out of nowhere i was surrounded by around 4 or 5 more people who seemed to know this women and they were being quite abusive. My youngest nephew became upset, started crying and wanted to go home so we did. Im tempted to ring the police but in all honesty i wouldn't want to put the kids through it and ive little hope it would be worth all the stress on the kids so with their parents agreement we are going to leave it at that and just use another store from now on.

Its a real shame though that in this day and age some people are so ignorant and abusive.

Peace and love to you all :)


If the people who were having a go at you had brown skin then its not racist. It'll be something you did, or you're making it up, or over reacting.


I haven't read any of the thread, but suspect these will have been mentioned, quite a lot...

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