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Whats chaucer school like

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Its a hole but according the the head there is NO bullying in that school.

There is though but the head just wont accept it. All these kids having their education ruined by scumclass kids and teacher who dont know their arse from their elbow.


Sounds lovely!

Think we'll strike that one off of our list of possibilities!

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Its a hole but according the the head there is NO bullying in that school.

There is though but the head just wont accept it. All these kids having their education ruined by scumclass kids and teacher who dont know their arse from their elbow.


I agree,they make it sound wonderfull when you go to look round but in reality when your child becomes a student there they don't give a toss,unless they want cash out of you for something or other,.

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Its a hole but according the the head there is NO bullying in that school.

There is though but the head just wont accept it. All these kids having their education ruined by scumclass kids and teacher who dont know their arse from their elbow.


But doesn't that follow for most schools?

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I agree,they make it sound wonderfull when you go to look round but in reality when your child becomes a student there they don't give a toss,unless they want cash out of you for something or other,.


God yes!! You're their best friend when they want some dosh. The rest of the time they couldn't give a monkey. A more frightening aspect of how the school is run is their attitude to child protection. A friend of mined has a son and he was getting bullied every day for weeks. Hed come home with a new bruise every day almost and she went to the school and complained and went back and complained again and again and again. She showed them the bruises and they both told the school how the lad got them but they did nothing. Well they did do something, they rang social service child protection and expressed concerns that the lad has lots of bruises. Long story short he was removed from home for 3 weeks and only recently has he got off the at risk register. At the child protection meetings the school came out with lie after lie after lie to explain how the bruises MUST have come from home and could have possibly happened at school. It was all very messy.

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The schools anti-bullying policy document states :


"Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at Chaucer school. We acknowledge that

bullying does happen from time to time; indeed it would be unrealistic to claim that it

does not."


That suggests to me that the head does acknowledge it happens.

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Both my son and I have the misfortune of having being a pupil and parent at this "school". He was bullied, hit, followed home, pinned to the floor and gouged with a pen around his face in class and beaten up and kicked in the head (which happened after assurances from the head that the boys who did this wouldn't be able to get to my lad any more, once beaten up and sustaining a head injury due to a kick to the head which was captured on cctv it took them two hours to contact us) during his 7 weeks there. We had numerous meetings with the school, to no avail. Please don't say that there isn't bullying here, because there most certainly is.


They did supposedly permanently exclude one of bullies, only to welcome him back to school after we removed our child. We have since learned that the bully has now been thrown out of not only Chaucer but another school too, however there were several others that were involved that got away with it.



The bullying only stopped when we withdrew our son from this school. I lodged a complaint which they whitewashed over the facts and gave a very half hearted apology. I found the head and the executive head to be patronising and at times intimidating.


Sadly, I wouldn't trust this school to look after a goldfish for the day, let alone educate my child.

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