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Burnt Kitchen Worktop

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I currently rent out a property and the current tenants have managed to burn the worktop. I did find a company in Manchester who said they could do the repair however they are no longer interested.


Does anyone know of a company in the area who might do this.


Also sorry if this is posted in the wrong area.



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The worktop is laminate which chipboard underneath.


Not sure the existing tenants will want to pay for a new worktop but at the moment this is looking like the only option.

Edited by sivs
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no chance of repairing a laminate worktop, only thing i could suggest is rebating some pan stands into the worktop if its next to the hob?

this would hide some of the damage and avoid them putting hot pans onto the worktop again.

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Yes I do have accidential damage on my insurance but don't see why my insurance should be effected because they have been careless. Plus what amount would I deduct from their deposit the excess? Who would pay the increased in premiums?


They were originally trying to say this should be covered under wear & tear but have no agreed that they are at fault think they were hoping I would not notice it or just let it go.

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Hopefully the deposit is in a registered scheme and you get what you are entitled to. Burning is beyond fair wear and tear in anyone's book. I would imagine you would want to replace rather than make do as is this is a better impression for the next tenant, and therefore should be setting a clear example of how you what the property leaving.

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