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Make money from your dog!


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When did crossbreeds start fetching the same sort of money as pedigrees. What is wrong with people?


People just like saying they've got a labradoodle, no matter how much it costs them.

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I haven't a clue! Saw an advert yesterday for "springbatt" puppies! A cross between a springer spaniel and a Bassett hound????!!!! Why even do that? Lovely price of 500 quid. It's a mongrel!!!! Gggrrrr it really gets my goat!


Crackers, I have two mongrels that cost me bugger all :D


Found this though, it's quite obviously big business http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/abc.htm scroll down and down and down and........

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I'm glad it's not just me :hihi:

They may be lovely dogs, but they're crossbreeds. Don't get me wrong, from past experience I'd have a cross over a pure breed any day but I wouldn't pay that! The only pure bred dog I had was a working stock collie and we paid £40 for him. He was mental...

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I don't get why you'd pay that kind of money for any dog (cross or otherwise) unless you specifically need one for showing/working etc... people rehome slightly older pups on the free ads for a few quid when they get sick of them or they turn out to be no use for their intended purpose (like ours, wonky legs at four months ish), or there's the pounds and shelters, much less than £500 or even more and will do just as good a job of being a pet.


But hey ho each to their own, if people want to spend stupid money on dogs that's up to them, so long as they don't come from a puppy farm or the like...

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