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Amey destroying the verges and central reservations

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I see Amey have been out in force, literally. I can appreciate that some verges and central reservations needed a bit of a trim but they are destroying them. Park square got a very heavy pruning. The banks heading toward the station are now completely bare. All around the A61, Hanover way, etc have been hacked down to ground level, it all looks a bloody mess. The residential side of Netherthorpe road is just brown soil. The list goes on.


Is this what we are paying them for? Leaving nothing but litter where green vegetation and once grew?


"Calm down dear" it will all grow back.

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"Calm down dear" it will all grow back.





They've not killed anything. It will all recover.


As an aside, I'm reminded:

When the "One Show" transmitted from Endcliffe Park, last year, in a mudbath due to the wet conditions, much was made about damage to the grass. I'd not thought about it before, but once I had stopped to think about it I was actually very defensive of the way the park was being used (and abused). It is a great facility, available for lots of people to make used of - ad hoc games of football, cricket and frisbee, picnics, BBQs, just soaking up the sun etc, etc, as well as organised events such as the One Show, Circuses etc, all of these damaging the grass, but time and time again it recovers, because that is what grass does. Six months ago, the grassed area of the park looked a mess. Now, despite the bad winter, it is OK again.


SCC get a lot of stick, but in terms on facilities such as Endcliffe Pk, WELL DONE.

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"Calm down dear" it will all grow back.


Unfortunately, they have done such an unprofessional job, it will probably kill it. Trees and shrubs will certainly grow back from clean cuts. These have just been mangled with some sort of mechanical turkey carver by the looks of things. If a landscape gardener did that in my garden, I wouldn't pay them.

Hang on, as a council tax payer the A61 central reservation is, sort of, my garden!

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Stupid time of the year to be doing it as well, just as the birds are looking for nesting sites.


They've been doing the Park Square work for many months now, dunno about all of the others.


Council will never do right in some people's eyes - I'm waiting for a thread where someone says that the council in Leeds cuts their trees prettier!

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Stupid time of the year to be doing it as well, just as the birds are looking for nesting sites.


I work for a company which does construction work that might impact on wildlife. We are required to do specific checks for different flora and fauna - including bats, badgers, otters, newts, toads, etc, etc, as well as rare plants. Work must be planned and undertaken to avoid disturbing them, including acceptable times when work can be carried out. Conversely, we must ensure that invasive plants are not spread.


I would be shocked if Amey (and SCC as their employer) were not required to follow similar procedures.

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Caused a massive queue of traffic up Ecclesall Road yesterday, I was wondering what the heck they were doing! "Butchered" comes to mind.


Please don't cut back Hunters Bar roundabout though! I've seen homeless people sleeping in there. Bit of an odd place to kip but at least it's secluded. I know there is a thread on this somewhere.

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