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E-cigs/E-cigarettes: MegaThread Discussion

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Not according to the US Food & Drug Administration.




FDA and Public Health Experts Warn About Electronic Cigarettes


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced that a laboratory analysis of electronic cigarette samples has found that they contain carcinogens and toxic chemicals such as diethylene glycol, an ingredient used in antifreeze.


So what makes you qualified to make such a pronouncement on their safety?


just google 'fda corruption'


and use logic...


hey presto.

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Tobacco Cigarettes - (avg. @20 a day) £7 x 365 days a year = £2555


Same smoking rate with electronic cigarettes - £5-15 per week = (top estimate, very conservative) £780


initial outlay = £16.99 - £50


£2555 - £830 = £1725 saved over a year.


Pretty cheap really, with very conservative estimates!


I have read loads on the net about 'vaping'. There is no credible argument against it. I no longer smoke but have had a few puffs on an e-Lite and its pretty realistic. The tobacco industry aint gonna like it, its going to cost them millions. Health issues aside, its worth trying just based on the cost alone.

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I smoke an E-cig, not the cheap ones that look like real ones form the supermarket but a good larger model that looks nothing like a real one. Called an ego 510, lots of vapour, good range of flavours and no passive smoking to anyone around me. Nothing grubby about them as someone said.


When I was in hospital I was allowed to smoke it in my single room. I also recently had a chest scan (not for smoking) and went for my results yesterday, and since using the E-cig my lungs do resemble those of an EX smoker as the damage has already been done but now look as the doctor said in better shape.


Trying to ban them in public is only going to reverse all the good they have done by helping people stop. I tried everything over the years to no avail, the e-cig is the only postive step I have taken, and you can start on a high nicotine strength and work your way down to zero nicotine liquids.


My home is healthier, I am healthier, I do not get short of breath walking up the stairs anymore, I have a better lifestyle. They want us to quit, yet try to ban the one thing that works for some people. They are definatly more healthy then real ones, I can feel the difference in my body in many ways.


I think they need to get thier heads from up thier backsides and look at the real picture.


---------- Post added 16-02-2013 at 12:32 ----------


Using proper e-cigs that look nothing like cigarettes, will obviously not 'normalise smoking'- quite the opposite- they will make it apparent that more and more people are quitting cigarettes in droves.


I agree with this, I get a lot of people stood at bus stops puffing away on real cigs, who ask me about my e-cig, i have given lots of cards out for the website I buy mine from.


Most who ask are very interested and really want to quit and are really interested as nothing is working for them.


My mum is a heavy smoker and most of the time I am on the phone to her she is coughing and hacking away, It is horrible to hear. (something I remember doing myself) I am going to buy her an e-cig starter kit as I think something needs to be done to help her, it really worries me.


So being seen smoking my e-cig makes me feel proud I gave up the fags and when people ask me I cannot recommend them enough. I think it would be great to see more people using them as it would mean more people are healthier.


Most of my non smoking friends and family also allow me to smoke it when in thier house as they know there is no smell, no smoke, just vapour which disperses within seconds and does not linger like real smoke.

Edited by lubylou12
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I smoke an E-cig, not the cheap ones that look like real ones form the supermarket but a good larger model that looks nothing like a real one. Called an ego 510, lots of vapour, good range of flavours and no passive smoking to anyone around me. Nothing grubby about them as someone said.



So a bit like Tesco's lasagne then. A good reliable trusted brand until tests showed it to be made from horses.

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I'd be in favour of them banning e-cigarettes in public places.


I think it has the potential to encourage people to smoke by making smoking appear socially acceptable again.


The safety of e-cigarrettes is not the issue for me. I just think it's not good for children to see adult role models puffing away in public places on a cigarette, be it an e-cigarette or a real one.


Good sensible post, its what the BMA intended to get across. E-cigs are for smokers looking for a safer alternative and not to encourage people to start smoking.

Now lets get onto ' street drinking' and drinking outside pubs. Same thing, encourages the young to take up a bad habit. Drinking should be done inside pubs and peoples homes and not in parks or streets.


Smoking or vaping should not be encouraged and neither should drinking. All the BMA are asking for is a little commonsense.

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So a bit like Tesco's lasagne then. A good reliable trusted brand until tests showed it to be made from horses.


Tesco, a good reliable brand?!?! What planet do you live on???


All tesco want to do is take over the world. They don't care how they do it or who they harm in the process! If Tecso were a good reliable brand, they wouldn't have allowed any processed food in their shops, whether it contained horse meat, or not!


Stop typing crap and look at the facts!

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This is a great read.




But millions of smokers have offered case studies in networks and chat rooms of “vapers,” their own term for e-cigarette use, offering testimony to their efficacy in helping them quit and pleading for authorities to allow them continued access. The product, in various forms, essentially supplies the drug smokers crave — nicotine — without the toxic, deadly smoke. The vaporized nicotine is inhaled with flavorings and substances such as propylene glycol, all completely harmless based on years of safe use.


Important update from ECITA: Legal advice


Hi, all,


We met with the legal team today to discuss our options in the face of the EU proposal, and the imminent MHRA position statement. (We anticipate that the MHRA will announce on the 13th March, rather than waiting until May, because they like to roll the drum on No Smoking Day.)


We discussed all the issues for both UK and EU level. The legal experts reckon we have a strong case, particularly with regard to proportionality, and we shall be getting an official Opinion from a QC in the next couple of weeks. They described the proposed Directive as possibly being 'legally flawed' in several respects, which means we have a good chance of mounting a successful legal challenge.


We shall continue to fire on all cylinders, and will be asking for your help in getting the right messages to the right people in each of your constituencies in the coming weeks. I hope we can count on your support as we all join together for this crucial fight.


This is not an industry fighting for its survival in isolation; this is a fight for every single one of us who has discovered vaping - and it is a fight for our lives. We hope you will join us as we take the fight to them, rather than waiting for them to attack us even further.


Sincere thanks to Elites, not only for providing outstanding Chairmanship of ECITA since its inception in the form of Mike Ryan, but also for providing access to a top notch legal team, with the expertise and skills to bring us ALL safely home - as an industry and as a community of vapers.


We shall keep you informed as things progress, and would be grateful if a moderator could sticky this thread.


Happy and very long-lived vaping, one and all!




I don`t even see how a ban would work. They can`t ban batteries. You can mod clearomisers etc. You can buy Vg from boots and get Pg online and some chemists the only thing they can ban is nic base which can be sourced from lots of places.


All I can say is it works without a doubt.


Using a EGO-T CE5 BLACK . Vaping costs less than £20 a month.


---------- Post added 17-02-2013 at 00:36 ----------


just to add any vaper out there needs to try grants vanilla custard.

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