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Missing indoor-only cat S5 *found*


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My indoor-only cat has somehow got out and is missing. She is missing from Shiregreen Hatfield House Lane area since sometime between 10am and 8pm yesterday. Nobody who was in the house can remember *seeing* her get out, but we've looked everywhere indoors so she obviously did.


She is torti and white and her most distinguishing features are that she has a black nose and cheeks so looks like her nose is really big, and she is very *very* thin (2kg) and always has been. She is healthy. She is very affectionate with me but can be timid with anyone else.


Photo: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/236832/missing.jpg


There is a reward.


She is indoor-only by her own choice, last went out properly in 2010 on one occasion (went missing for 2 days, came back with bald patches from pulling her own fur out) and only sporadically in the years before that, otherwise will just occasionally pop out to eat grass if there was someone in the garden and then come straight back in. So not like she has made a break for freedom!


No collar or chip because I'm a complacent idiot.


I can't get out to look for her as I'm housebound and I don't have anyone else who I can ask who would be able to do it. I've tried shouting and shone a torch round the garden last night.


I'm going to make leaflets now, but I don't know when I'll have someone who'll be able to deliver them. I feel so helpless and I'm really worried. We usually spend about 60% of our days together - so I'm kicking myself that I didn't wonder where she was until 8 - and she sleeps in my bed under the covers at night. :(

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Hope she gets found. We used to think our indoor cat had escaped but he managed to hide in the most bizarre places. One time he got inside the clothes cupboard and made himself a cave out of clothes. You've obviously already searched everywhere indoors though :(

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Yes, even looked in places too small for her to get into. :( She is rubbish at hiding in the house, as soon as I call her name she yells straight back at me! :D


---------- Post added 08-03-2013 at 13:49 ----------


How many leaflets are you planning on making, and where would you want them distributing? I'm off today so would be willing to come over and help for an hour or so


I'm not sure, I'd like to cover both sides of my road, and all houses that back onto this road. I'll count on StreetView. I'm be very very grateful for your help.

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No need to count them I can come up and spend an hour or so distributing. When can you have them ready?


---------- Post added 08-03-2013 at 13:28 ----------


glitterkat, can you let me know ASAP when the leaflets will be ready, as I'm going to be logging off soon.

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I live just behind club on bellhouse road, i have a massive garden and feed a couple of feral cats on a regular basis, as a result i always have a garden full of cats coming for a free feed.


Ive not seen your cat, but ive looked at the picture and will definatley keep an eye out for her, x hope she turns up soon x


Id be devastated if my two ginger furballs disappeared. x

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What a lovely looking moggy. I hope she turn up soon, are you at least able to shout her from the door? Keep calling her if you can, my cat went missing for 2 days when we moved and then just turned up on the doorstep. I called her as often as I could, I don't know if she came back because she heard or not but keep trying x

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I live just behind club on bellhouse road, i have a massive garden and feed a couple of feral cats on a regular basis, as a result i always have a garden full of cats coming for a free feed.


If you ever see a *big* long haired ginger and white one, he is ours; don't let him con you into feeding him, he is a greedy pig at home. :D


Thanks for keeping an eye out. :)


What a lovely looking moggy. I hope she turn up soon, are you at least able to shout her from the door? Keep calling her if you can, my cat went missing for 2 days when we moved and then just turned up on the doorstep. I called her as often as I could, I don't know if she came back because she heard or not but keep trying x


Yeah I've been shouting from the back door or bedroom window regularly and then pausing and listening.


My carer came and the nearest gardens have now been searched. Next door's has a lot of very cozy potential hiding places, but no luck.


After a day of hoping it would stop raining and thinking that might prompt her to leave wherever she's hiding, I've now looked at the weather forecast and am despondent again. :(

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