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Sharkeys R.I.P


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Sharkeys closed today guys. I'm sure there may be a full explanation at a later date from the manager.


I'd like to say that the staff there are awesome, it was a pleasure working with them and I hope they all get work in places that deserve them soon.


I'll miss the place and i'm sure many more will also. Thanks to all there for making it an ace bar. Shame it couldn't last.


good luck for the future guys.

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has it fully closed now? i know its started to only open at night coz it wasnt making much during the day but i dont understand why it would close down completely! a friend went past this afternoon and said it was shut but she could see some of the barmen inside - i still have hope!

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I used to do/used to do tuesdays there - only found out last night - I was gob smacked - it didn't seem to be struggling that much - the odd quiet night when theres no students around - but thats just sheffield - seems drastic to sack it off completely - but as far as I know it is 100% official - spoke to Mikey J last night!!!

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