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Peter Davies, Mayor of Doncaster, leaves English Democrats

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Something interesting happens in Doncaster at last. Peter Davies has left the English Democrats. He's had enough of the ED going out of its way to welcome far-right nutcases from the BNP and EDL. He's taken his time because the BNP have been migrating the ED's way for well over a year. So is he being principled or pragmatic in advance of his standing for re-election in May? And as he's also formerly been in the Labour Party, Conservative Party and UKIP will he go to yet another party or stand as an independent?




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In that article he states that he's 'unlikely' to stand as an independent plus the English Democrats have stated that they will be fielding a candidate.


Is this the future of all right wing parties, become popular and attract the even further right wingers, collapse and then start another party?

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In that article he states that he's 'unlikely' to stand as an independent plus the English Democrats have stated that they will be fielding a candidate.


Is this the future of all right wing parties, become popular and attract the even further right wingers, collapse and then start another party?


"The mayor, who is standing for re-election in May, said he was now considering his next move although added it was unlikely he would stand as an independent.


But he added: “I will certainly not be joining any of the main three parties......


I guess he'll be going back to UKIP then.

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Something interesting happens in Doncaster at last. Peter Davies has left the English Democrats. He's had enough of the ED going out of its way to welcome far-right nutcases from the BNP and EDL. He's taken his time because the BNP have been migrating the ED's way for well over a year. So is he being principled or pragmatic in advance of his standing for re-election in May? And as he's also formerly been in the Labour Party, Conservative Party and UKIP will he go to yet another party or stand as an independent?





Mr Davies said he had been made aware of an event attended by leading members of the English Democrats which was also attended by far-right groups such as the English Defence League. He said he was also concerned about recent claims that ex-members of the British National Party had joined the English Democrats, which he said was “appalling”.


He’s clearly not very bright if he didn’t realise that the English Democrats would appeal to ex BNP and EDL members and how does he expect to win elections if he doesn’t want their support.

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They should have had the fore thought to ban ex BNP and EDL like UKIP have done.


BUT...shouldn't it be welcome that people are deserting the BNP and following a more moderate party? If ex-BNPers are to be ostracised for the rest of their lives, that's no incentive to leave the BNP and alter their views is it?

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They should have had the fore thought to ban ex BNP and EDL like UKIP have done.


BUT...shouldn't it be welcome that people are deserting the BNP and following a more moderate party? If ex-BNPers are to be ostracised for the rest of their lives, that's no incentive to leave the BNP and alter their views is it?


42% of their candidates in the last local elections were former BNP members or candidates.

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42% of their candidates in the last local elections were former BNP members or candidates.


It takes a special kind of person to stand for these parties in the full knowledge that the bigoted members of our society will be using every opportunity to verbally abuse them and call them racists. They could even lose their jobs just for standing as a candidate in a UK election, not as democratic as we like to think we are.

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But the policies of English Democrats are nowhere near as extreme as BNP are they? Though I can see that could change if ex-BNPers reach critical mass in the party.


They have pretty much reached critical mass of former BNP members and more importantly experienced activists who know how to run local campaigns. They have also linked up with a section of the EDL and another former BNP splinter group called Britain First which is run by the BNP's former fundraiser and a former BNP Councillor.


The new group is called the English National Resistance.

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It takes a special kind of person to stand for these parties in the full knowledge that the bigoted members of our society will be using every opportunity to verbally abuse them and call them racists. They could even lose their jobs just for standing as a candidate in a UK election, not as democratic as we like to think we are.


Very true, some people are all very liberal and accepting, until they don't like your political affiliation, then they don't think twice about hounding people out of a job, smashing windows etc


---------- Post added 05-02-2013 at 18:24 ----------


They have pretty much reached critical mass of former BNP members and more importantly experienced activists who know how to run local campaigns. They have also linked up with a section of the EDL and another former BNP splinter group called Britain First which is run by the BNP's former fundraiser and a former BNP Councillor.


The new group is called the English National Resistance.


Sounds like Peter has done the right thing then.

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